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高二英语第三次月考(150满分) 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分 得 分 总分人 一、选择。(共20小题,每小题1分,共30分。) 1. This hotel _____ me ____ the one where we lived last year. A. reminds; to B. remembers; of C. reminds; of D. remembers; to 2. Usually the students can’t ______ their studies when they are hungry. A. break down B. consist of C. put on D. concentrate on 3. What encourages me is that everyone in my class is ______ to learn. A. anxious B. eager C. busy D. plan 4. ——Did you know any French before you arrived in Paris? ——Never _____ it , actually . A. had I learned B. I had learned C. I learned D. was I learned 5. ——Could I use your car tomorrow, please? ——_____ . I won’t use it then. A. Sorry. B. No way. C. Go ahead D. That’s great 6. His grandma has _____ three months ago. A. fallen ill B. been ill C. fall ill D. be ill 7. I want to have a short talk with you, Could you spare(抽出) a few minutes, ____? A. if necessary B. if possible C. if so D. even if so 8. After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones return home, _____. A. exhausting B. exhausted C.being exhausted D. having exhausted 9. The old bridge, _____ 300 years ago, was washed away by a heavy flood last summer. A. building B. to be built C. to be building D. built 10. When I came into her room, she was _____ in her book,so she did not notice me . A. absorbed B. controlled C. exposed D. devoted 11. It’s a good habit to keep everything ______ in your study(书房). A. in the way B. in place C. in hand D. in case 12. Her mother does not _____ of her going to study in the United States alone. A. admit B. agree C. prove D. approve 13. The youth should not always _______ their parents. A. depend on B.put on C. take on D. focus on 14. The table ____ too much space. A. used


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