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A:嘿,看这则广告,里面介绍的这款手机的功能非常强大),我真的控制不住想立马买一台。 Look at this advertisement,!The function of this mobile phone is too advanced. I cant wait to buy one. B:你不能只看广告,一些企业为了获得更多的收益,对产品的质量只字不提,含含糊糊,从某种程度上我个人有些讨厌广告 EnI think you shouldnt just trust this advertisement. Because some manufacturers tend to exaggerate the function of the product and ignore the introduction of the product, in order to seize the vision of the consumers and gain them huge profits. There are even a lot of false advertisements in society, which cause a lot of harms to customers. Indeed, Im a little bit tired of advertisement. C:我和你一样,一些广告很诱人,导致顾客买了根本不需要的产品,过后又非常后悔,造成了浪费 I agree with you on the advertisement. Furthermore,those advertisements stimulate people’s purchase intention and misleading people to desire something not necessary or completely useless.Unfortunately some consumers are convinced to spend a lot of money for things they really do not need. That kind of behavior is regard as impulsive buying,which is a waste of money. And this kind of unhappy consumption behavior will make consumers feel regret and unhappy eventyally. D:我很认同,而且为了这些精美的广告,企业投入了大量资金,,一定程度上,提升了成本,个消费者造成负担 I can’t agree with you more. In order to make these exquisite ads and obtain the right to play the advertisements, companies need to pump a lot of money. To a certain extent, the ads improve the cost of the product and these costs will eventually be included in the prices. So it is not fair to consumers. E:或许你们说的有一定道理但是我还是认为,广告能告诉我们市场上有哪些新产品,并且可以给我们的购买提供一些信息 Perhaps, as you say, advertising has some negative effects, but advertising can really make our life more convenient. with advertisements, we can get a great deal of the latest information, thus making it possible for us to compare and contrast the qualities of different products supplied in the market and to purchase the best ones at reasonable prices. A:没错,而且一些好的广告能给我带来乐趣 That’s right. And an elaborate(精心制作的) advertisement even can provide entertainment. A considerable


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