Tsunami Action Plan海啸应急处理程序.doc

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Tsunami Action Plan海啸应急处理程序

海啸应急处理程序 Tsunami Action Plan 海啸Tsunami 目的:为了采取预防措施保护海啸来临时对酒店的损害和避免员工及客人受到伤害,在紧急事件中明确责任及职责特制定本程序。 Purpose: To make it clear the responsibility during emergency, to avoid causing devastating property damage and loss of life. 说明Illumination 1、 海啸是一种具有强大破坏力、灾难性的海浪,通常由震源在海底下50千米以内、里氏震级6.5以上的海底地震引起。水下或沿岸山崩以及火山爆发也可能引起海啸。在一次震动之后,震荡波在海面上以不断扩大的圆圈,传播到很远的距离。Tsunami is a strong destructive and devastating waves. It is often caused by the earthquake (the magnitude should be 6.5 and above) happened beneath the seabed 50 kilometres. The phenomenon we call tsunami is a series of large waves of extremely long wavelength and period usually generated by a violent, impulsive undersea disturbance or activity near the coast or in the ocean. When a sudden displacement of a large volume of water occurs, or if the sea floor is suddenly elevate or subside by an earthquake, big tsunami waves can be created by the forces of gravity. 2、海啸在外海时由于水深,波浪起伏较小,不易引起注意,但到达岸边浅水区时,巨大的能量使波浪骤然升高,形成内含极大能量,高达十几米甚至数十米的“水墙”,冲上陆地后所向披靡,往往造成对生命和财产的严重摧残。’s hard for us to detect the Tsunami when it’s far from us. But when it reaches a low sea area, it can become huge waves which have great energy and become a more than ten meters high “water wall” which rushes into land and destroys lives and property. 3、海啸发生有两种形式:一是滨海、岛屿或海湾的海水反常退潮或河流没水,而后海水突然席卷而来、冲向陆地;二是海水陡涨,突然形成几十米高的水墙,伴随隆隆巨响涌向滨海陆地,而后海水又骤然退去。following actions 1、迅速向酒店消防中心报警。 Call the hotel ECCCCTV room immediately. 拔内线“xxxx”或外线直拨电话 Dial internal line “xxxx” or external line 2、激活最近的手动报警器。 Activate the nearest alarm 3、做好人员疏散工作。 Assist in evacuating other team members 二、海啸指挥部Tsunami Team 1、指挥部成员Member of Tsunami Team: 总经理(总指挥)General Manager(chief commander) 营运总监Operation Manager 安全部经理Security Manager 工程部总工Chief Engineer 行政管家Executive Housekeeper 前厅部经理Front Office Manager 餐饮部经理FB Manager 人力资源部总监Director of Human Resource 业务发展部总监Director of Business Development 财务部总监Financial Controller 总机经理Manager of Magic Centre 消防中心作为指挥部办公室ECCCCTV room will be the Tsunami


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