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大多数刚入行的科学家都立志要在工作中遵守最高的职业道德标准,而且在大多数情况下这么做不成问题。然而,正如每一个有经验的研究者所知,有时候对“正确事情”的知与行,并非听上去那么容易。Most beginning scientists set out to follow the highest ethical standards in their work and, in most cases, doing so is not a problem. Yet, as every experienced researcher knows, there will be times when knowing and doing the right thing are not as easy as they sound. 这类使得对错分明变得不可能的道德环境有哪些呢?What are these ethically problematic situations where a clear right or wrong is not possible?And how can you find guidance in making the correct calls? 斯坦福大学管理科学与工程教授罗伯特·E.麦金教过一些有关技术与社会以及科学与工程学中的道德问题等课程。他做了一个表格,列举了15项“科学领域有道德问题的行为”。 Robert E. McGinn, a professor of management science and engineering at Stanford University ,has taught a number of courses on technology and society and on ethical issues in science and engineering. He has generated a list of 15 ethically problematic behaviors in science. 其中的几个很容易列举:剽窃、伪造(例如“窜改”或“裁剪”)从一个真实的实验中获取的数据;杜撰实验以“获得”或“制造”数据;为使自己获得研究成果的先机而刻意误导研究中的竞争对手。A few of these are easy to call: plagiarism; falsifying (e.g., cooking or trimming) data obtained from a genuine experiment; fabricating experiments to obtain or generate data;deliberately misleading research competitors to improve ones chances of getting there first. 但麦金先生列举的大多数行为都属于某个灰色地带,例如,在涉及前期研究成果和未来研究价值的授权要求时夸大其词;在涉及研究成果作者身份时的过度自我吹嘘或埋没他人;不能从研究课题中真正获得“明示的应允”;为拼凑自己的出版数量而出版自己达不到出版要求的作品;不能对自己担任评审人的科研论文进行公平细致的审读。But most of the behaviors on Mr. McGinns list fall into a gray zone, such as: hyperbole on grant requests regarding previous accomplishments or the future value of research; giving undue credit or failing to give due credit regarding the authorship of research work; failure to secure bona fide informed consent from research subjects; publishina ones work in L.P.U.s(Least Publishable Units) to increase the number of ones publications, and failure to conduct a fair-minded and scrupulous review of a scientific paper for which one is a referee. 《科学》杂志的主编唐纳德·肯尼迪指出,有些最容易出现不端行为问题的领域并不是那些成为新闻头条的。“伪造数据或杜撰实验从


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