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有关身体部位的单词及短语 Brain →brain twister(脑筋急转弯) Where do fish keep their money? What goes up and down without moving? What are the three keys that lock/unlock no doors? riverbank stair donkey/monkey/turkey poor差 weak中 fair良 excellent优秀 brow [brau] 眉毛,额头 cheek 厚脸皮→cheek brings success和气生财(人的表情很大一部分是通过cheek来表现的,一副笑容满面的cheek,自然能表现你的亲和力,自然能和气生财咯) ear →smile from ear to ear眉开眼笑 eye →An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 face→feed our face吃饭 head→laugh one’s head off开怀大笑,笑掉大牙 mouth→a closed mouth catches no flies.祸从口出 you eat with that mouth?(你是用这张嘴吃饭的么?)你的嘴真脏! neck(情侣拥抱/亲吻) nose→joke Why not take off your nose? Tom, aged five, was watching his grandpa playing with his false teeth, taking it down, washing and fixing again. He saw his grandpa doing that again and again, with full interest. At last Tom asked his grandpa, “Well, why not take off your nose?” throat→have a bone in one’s throat 难于启齿 tongue→on the tip of one’s tongue话到嘴边(却忘了) tooth→armed to the teeth武装到牙齿 ankle→ankle boot 小短靴 arm→胳膊麻了asleep elbow用肘推 finger→be all thumbs 笨手笨脚 foot→two left feet笨手笨脚 hand→hand shadow games手影游戏 knee→knee-slapper 让人大笑的笑话 on bended knees跪着求饶“歌曲” leg→cost sb. an arm and a leg使某人付出过高的代价 nail→hit the nail(钉子) on the head恰到好处,正中要害 toe→from top to toe 从头到脚 wrist→wristwatch手表 back→give the shirt off one’s back慷慨解囊 breast→cup size A: airport B: barely visible C: can do D: damn good E: ecstasy F: fake? G: gosh! H: horrible! I: I don’t believe it! J: joke K: kidding? L: let’s run! M: monster N: no such thing. Chest箱→chestnut 栗子 hip 时髦的→I’m hip.我明白了,我懂了。 shoulder→a shoulder to cry on能提供慰藉的人 stomach→belly button 肚脐 waist→waistcoat 背心马甲 blood→get blood from a stone缘木求鱼 blood type and personlity A: conservative and passive; patient and responsible B: friendly, frank and creative O: stubborn and impulsive; loyal AB: indecisive and picky cell→单块电池 bone→bone to pick 挑骨头 hair→comb one’s hair狠揍某人 muscle→not move a muscle(639)毫不动容,不变神色 nerve→Don’t get on(刺激) my nerve!别把我惹毛了


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