The Top 8 Things to Be Grateful for Each and Every Day每天所要感谢的8件事.docx

The Top 8 Things to Be Grateful for Each and Every Day每天所要感谢的8件事.docx

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The Top 8 Things to Be Grateful for Each and Every Day每天所要感谢的8件事

The Top 8 Things to Be Grateful for Each and Every Day每天所要感谢的8件事This list seems very basic. Yet not everyone in this county or in the world has, or will be able to be grateful for, all of these things. This list is one which, hopefully, everyone reading it can say applies to them. Perhaps if we are thankful for these basic things daily, it will help ourselves and others gain more abundance, or at least we will appreciate our own more.这张清单上罗列的看似非常简单。然而,在这个国家及整个世界,并非人人都能做到对所有的事物心存感激。希望每个人读了这张清单之后,都能按照上面所说的去做。或许,如果我们每天对普通的事物都心存感激,将有助于我们自己和其他人拥有更多丰富的收获,或者,至少会更多地感激我们自己所拥有的。1. Waking up Alive.George Burns once said a great day for him was waking up and not seeing candles, a church, and his friends all dressed in black. He was blessed financially and healthwise. Many, in this country and in other countries, are lucky to make it to age 10, let alone 100.1.感激每天都能醒来。乔治·伯恩斯说过,对于他来说,醒来时看不到蜡烛、教堂,以及所有的朋友都穿素衣,那便是美好的一天。在经济条件和健康状况方面,他都非常幸运。很幸运的是,这个国家和其他国家的许多人,十岁时就懂得了这个道理,更别说100岁时了。2. Decent Air to BreathWhile everyone has this, in some places in the world, the air is so polluted and foul smelling, the people die of respiratory ailments just from breathing.2.感激每天都能呼吸到新鲜的空气。在世界的一些地方,人人都面临这样的问题:空气污染严重,到处散发着恶臭,人们因呼吸导致的疾病而丧生。3. A New Day to Learn and to Earn a Livelihood.Most of us live in areas with very low unemployment rates. If we choose and need to work and have a job, we can earn money daily or weekly somehow. Others are in school or educational environments. They can learn or increase what they already know.Many people have no jobs and will never have a chance to learn a basic education.3.感激有新的一天去学习和生存我们中的许多人都居住在一个失业率非常低的地区。如果我们选择或需要去劳动工作,不论每天或每周我们都能挣到钱。而在学校或教育环境下的其他人,能够在他们所知道的基础上学习和扩充更多的知识。很多人没有工作,将来也不可能有机会接受基础教育。4. A Home in Which to Eat, Sleep, Live, and Relax.We are blessed if we are not one of the millions of people whose home consists of a car, an abandoned house or building, cardboard of tin constructed “shelters”, or the bare earth or grass. Think about pictures you may ha


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