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TTV:总厚度偏差total thickness variance 解释为:基片上最大厚度与最小厚度之差,主要表示同一片基片厚度的均匀性,这个参数越大表示切割质量越差。LTV:线性厚度变化TIR Total Indicated Runout :表面总平整度T.I.R全称应该是“Total Indicated Runout”意思是“总体指示偏差量? Alignment Precision - Displacement of patterns that occurs during the photolithography process. ? 套准精度 - 在光刻工艺中转移图形的精度。 ? Anisotropic - A process of etching that has very little or no undercutting ? 各向异性 - 在蚀刻过程中,只做少量或不做侧向凹刻。 ? Backside - The bottom surface of a silicon wafer. (Note: This term is not preferred; instead, use ‘back surface’.) ? 背面 - 晶圆片的底部表面。(注:不推荐该术语,建议使用“背部表面”) ? Chemical-Mechanical Polish (CMP) - A process of flattening and polishing wafers that utilizes both chemical removal and mechanical buffing. It is used during the fabrication process. ? 化学-机械抛光(CMP) - 平整和抛光晶圆片的工艺,采用化学移除和机械抛光两种方式。此工艺在前道工艺中使用。 ? Chuck Mark - A mark found on either surface of a wafer, caused by either a robotic end effector, a chuck, or a wand. ? 卡盘痕迹 - 在晶圆片任意表面发现的由机械手、卡盘或托盘造成的痕迹。 ? Cleavage Plane - A fracture plane that is preferred. ? 解理面 - 破裂面 ? Crack - A mark found on a wafer that is greater than 0.25 mm in length. ? 裂纹 - 长度大于0.25毫米的晶圆片表面微痕。 ? Crater - Visible under diffused illumination, a surface imperfection on a wafer that can be distinguished individually. ? 微坑 - 在扩散照明下可见的,晶圆片表面可区分的缺陷。 ? Contaminant, Particulate (see light point defect) ? 污染微粒 (参见光点缺陷) ? Contamination Particulate - Particles found on the surface of a silicon wafer. ? 沾污颗粒 - 晶圆片表面上的颗粒。 ? Crystal Defect - Parts of the crystal that contain vacancies and dislocations that can have an impact on a circuit’s electrical performance. ? 晶体缺陷 - 部分晶体包含的、会影响电路性能的空隙和层错。 ? Dimple - A concave depression found on the surface of a wafer that is visible to the eye under the correct lighting conditions. ? 表面起伏 - 在合适的光线下通过肉眼可以发现的晶圆片表面凹陷。 ? Donor - A contaminate that has donated extra “free” electrons, thus making a wafer “N-Type”. ? Etch - A process of chemical reactions or physical removal to rid the wafer of excess materials. ? 蚀刻 - 通过化学反应或物理方法去除晶圆片


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