中英文对照保函 - Indemnity Letterand Sanctions Warranty UN 2014.docx

中英文对照保函 - Indemnity Letterand Sanctions Warranty UN 2014.docx

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中英文对照保函 - Indemnity Letterand Sanctions Warranty UN 2014

Sanctions Warranty and Indemnity Letter?客户保函Airbill Number运单号…7138866335Shipment Date发件日期…2015.07.23…………..[Customer Name/Company Name客户名称/公司名称____Mr. Mohammad shokoohi payam__], is hereby providing this Sanctions and Warranty Indemnity Letter pursuant to the UN Sanctions. 依照如下条款在此提供此保函。1.???Customer warrants that neither the receipt nor the delivery of the Shipment will expose DHL or their employees, servants, agents, insurers or reinsurers to any sanction, prohibition or penalty (or any risk of sanction, prohibition or penalty) whatsoever imposed by any state, country, international governmental organization or other relevant authority (collectively Sanctions) by reason of the content of the Shipment, any insurance of the Shipment taken out by the Customer or any other person with an interest in the Shipment, the destination of the Shipment, the intended consignee of the Shipment or the purchaser or end user of the content of the Shipment, provided that such warranty shall not extend to any issues of non-compliance which result from any act, decision or omission by DHL (or its sub-contractors or any company engaged by DHL to transport the Shipment), other than where following the Customers instructions.?客户保证,快件的接收和递送均不会由于快件内容的原因,或者由于任何客户或任何其他与此票快件有利益关系的人为此票快件购买了保险的原因,或者由于发生在快件目的地的情况,或者由于预期收件人或快件内容的购买人/最终用户的原因,使DHL或其雇员,提供服务的相关方,代理,保险人或再保险人面临来自任何国家,地区,国际政府机构或其他相关权力机构的任何制裁,禁止令或处罚(或任何制裁,禁止令或处罚的风险)(统称为“制裁”)。前述保证将不包括因DHL(或其分包商或任何DHL委托承运此票快件的公司)的行为,决定或疏忽导致的违规,但遵从客户的指示导致的情况除外。2.????? Customer warrants in particular, that: 特别地,客户保证:(a)?? Shipments shall not include any goods which appear on any applicable list of prohibited goods as shall be determined from time to time by the United Nations 快件将不含有任何联合国不时地通过决定的禁运名单中的物品。(b)?? delivery of Shipments to the intended consignee will not, in and of itself, contravene any of the prohibitions set forth from time to time by the United Nations.快件递送给预期中的收件人,将不违背联合国不时规定的禁止要求。; and 以及(c) delivery of Shipments to the intended consignee wi


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