高中必修二 unit2 the olympic games 单元巩固拓展.doc

高中必修二 unit2 the olympic games 单元巩固拓展.doc

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高中必修二 unit2 the olympic games 单元巩固拓展

Unit 2 The Olympic Games                     .单词拼写 1.We will all have a course in________(古代的)history this term. 2.Can I have a________(自愿者)to wash the dishes? 3.Electric lights have________(取代)candles. 4.Theyve been very________(迅速的)to deny these rumors. 5.We attended a dinner party________(做东,招待)by the president of the company. 6.If you want to sell your product,you must________(做广告)it. 7.He made a______(定期的)visit to his parents. 8.The________(基本的)theme of these stories never varies. 9.My sister bought this Tshirt at such a low price.She was really good at________(讨价还价). 10.He________(应受)to lose the game because he never trained hard. 答案 1.ancient 2.volunteer 3.replaced 4.swift 5.hosted 6.advertise 7.regular 8.basic 9.bargaining 10.deserved 核心词汇 1.Several graduates____________(竞争)for the post,but Jack was the one who got hired. 2.I’m short of money,and can’t afford a new car to ____________(取代)my old one. 3. He____________(要价)me $1.50 for repairing the watch,which was too much. 4.We got the tickets to the show at half price.They were real____________(便宜货). 5.We’re not going to give each of them a medal;not all of them____________(值得)one. 6.To help ease the____________(疼痛),apply heat to the area with a hot-water bottle. 7.Which country is the____________(举办国)of the next Olympic Games? 8.____________are a good way to sell products or improve services.In order to promote our products,we plan to____________them in the local newspaper.(advertise) 9.You have grown up and you need to take____________for your actions.In my opinion,it is you rather than he should be____________for the accident.(responsible) 10.Whoever wants to go hiking must be____________strong.To keep fit,we should often take part in____________exercise.(physical) 11.____________to college is by examination only.Today I got a letter that said,I had been____________to Beijing University.(admit) 1.competed 2.replace 3.charged 4.bargains 5.deserve 6.pain 7.host 8.Advertisements;advertise 9.responsibility;


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