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改错答案 Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound to the planet on which he originated and developed. Now he had the capability to leave that planet ___1___ and move out into the universe to those worlds which he has known previously only directly. Men have explored parts of ___2___ the moon, put spaceships in orbit around another planet and possibly within the decade will land into another planet and ___3___ explore it. Can we be too bold as to suggest that we may be ___4___ able to colonize other planet within the not—too—distant ___5___ future? Some have advocated such a procedure as a solution to the population problem. ship the excess people off to the moon. But we must keep in head the billions of dollars we ___6___ might spend in carrying out the project. To maintain the earth’s population at its present level. we would have to blast off into space 7,500 people every hour of every day of the year. Why are we spending so little money on space ___7___ exploration? Consider the great need for improving many ___8___ aspects of the global environment, one is surely justified in his concern for the money and resources that they are poured ___9___ into the space exploration efforts. But perhaps we should look at both sides of the coin before arriving hasty conclusions. ___10___ 答案: 1. had - has 2. directly - indirectly 3. into -onto / on 4. too - so 5. planet - planets 6. head - mind 7. little - much 8. Consider - Considering 9. they - / 10. arriving 后加at 或 arriving - reaching 考点例析: 例1: If his aim is inaccurate and he scores a goal, enjoys S3.____ the hunter’s triumph of killing his prey. 解析:这是由一个条件状语从句引导的复合句。但主句只有谓语动词enjoys,缺少主语,因此要步上主语。根据从句的his aim可推断应该加上主语he。 例2:Nuclear physicists who interested in the structure of 5._________ atoms cannot observe protons, electrons and neutrons directly. 解析:如果将who后面的部分作定语从句,那么它绝少谓语,故将who去掉,此时分词短语interested in直接作定语修饰前面的physicists。或在who后加are,补全定语从句。 例3:This alliance guarantees that all


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