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初二英语期中试题 一. 根据汉意完成下列句子。 1. You can see ________(树叶)falling onto the ground when autumn comes. 2. My father came to see me every ________(星期三)when I was at school. 3. Physics is one of the ________(学科)I am studying. 4. They have a holiday ________(称为)“Thanksgiving”. 5. When everything was ready. I ________(吹)out the candles. ? 二. 选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。 ( )1. Danny is eating donuts now. A. at that time B. at the moment C. right then D. then ( )2. Mrs Liu plays the piano very well. A. is good at playing the piano. B. likes to play the piano C. doesn’t like to play the piano D. is good at playing a piano. ( )3. Look after my dog while I am away. A. in B. over C. alone D. out ( )4. Mr Smith can speak some Chinese, but not much. A. very much B. a lot C. only a few D. only a little ( )5. Finally, Danny and Lisa gave their talk. A. At end B. At the end C. In the end D. End ? 三. 语言文化知识。 ( )1. Fool’s Day is a traditional (传统的)festival in _______. A. England B. Canada C. America D. Australia ( )2. Which of these persons should you tip (给小费)when you get their service (服务)? A. A mailman B. A bus driver C. A waiter D. A policeman ( )3. In which of these countries do people have to drive on the left side of the street? A. America B. China C. England D. Canada ( )4. British people usually begin their conversation by talking about ________. A. age B. marriage C. weather D. family ( )5. London is well known for _______. A. rain B. cloud C. snow D. fog ? 四. 回答问题,脑筋急转弯 1. -What letter is good for your health? -_______. 2. -Are you in the secret about the matter? -Sorry, I don’t know it at all. The meaning of “in the secret”is ________. A. 一无所知 B. 明察暗访 C. 知道内情 D. 秘密进行 3. -What word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it? -________. 4. -What time is it when a pie is divided among four friends? -_______. 5. -Which


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