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1996年1月北美语法题 1.???????? The province of Newfoundland has ____ than any other region of North America in which the first language is English. (A)? its longer history (B)?? a longer history (C)? the longer the history (D)? the history is longer (B) 分析:空格处显然缺动词has的宾语。(A)中its指代不明,(C)、(D)均不能作宾语,故排除。(B)为名词短语,既能作宾语,又符合题意,故选(B)。 翻译参考:纽芬兰比其他第一语言是英语的地区有更长的历史。 ? 2.???????? Clinical psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers found that 80 percent ____ verbal communication involved five types of responses: evaluative, interpretive, supportive, probing, and understanding. (A) all (B) is the (C) with (D) of all ? 答案:(D) 分析:…percent of…”是习惯表达法,故选(D)。 翻译参考: 临床的心理学者Carl Rogers博士发现, 80%的口头交流中包括五种类型的反应:可估价的,解释性的,支持性的,试探性的,以及了解的。 ? 3.???????? The early feminist leader Susan B. Anthony became increasingly aware through her work in the temperance movement ____ the same rights as men. (A) women were not granted that (B) that women were not granted (C) not granted women that wore (D) that were not granted women ? 答案:(B) 分析:分析句子和选项可知,正确答案是一个由that引导的从句。(A)、(C)中that的位置显然不对,(D)中从句主语women位置不对,故排除。(B)使句子结构完整,由于动词grant 可接双宾语,被动语态后面可再接宾语,故(B)为正确答案。 翻译参考:早期的女权主义者的领袖Susan B. Anthony通过她在禁酒运动中的工作逐渐地意识到女性并没被赋予男性同等的权利。 ? 4.???????? DNA, ____, is found in the cell nucleus in the form of very long and thin molecules consisting of two spiral strands. (A) inherits material (B) is inheritance material (C) material is inherited (D) the material of inheritance 答案:(D) 分析:空格处显然缺主语同位语。(A)、(B)、(C)均含谓语动词,不能作同位语,故排除.(D)为名词短语,可作同位语,且符合题意,故选(D)。 翻译参考:DNA,一种遗传物质,是一种包含在细胞核中的形状非常长和细小的、并由二个螺旋形链组成的分子。 ? 5.???????? ____ plants, which manufacture their own food, animals obtain nourishment by acquiring and ingesting their food. (A) Unlike (B) Different (C) Whereas (D) As much ? 答案:(A) 分析:两个逗号之间是非限定性定语从句,接着是主句,空格处显然缺介词构成介词短语作状语。四个选项中只有(A)是介词,故选(A)。(B)、(D)都不能构成状语,(C)引导从句,故排除。 翻译参考:不同于植物可以制造自己的食物,动物靠获取和吸收他们的食物来获得营养。 ? 6.???????? The Hawaiian alphabet, introduced by missionaries in the 1820’s, ____ and only seven consonants. (A) the five vo


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