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2012级《英美文学I》复习提纲 客观题部分 提示:课文中表述不祥的,请自己资料I Old English Literature The Late Medieval Ages Beowulf Romance  Epic Geoffrey Chaucer: works, contribution II The Renaissance Period Renaissance: background, characteristics, influence, humanism, literature William Shakespeare: four comedies, four tragedies, sonnet “Sonnet 18”, Hamlet ( Act III, Scene I) Francis Bacon: “Of Studies” Christopher Marlowe: The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus III The 17th Century ? John Milton : Paradise Lost( John Bunyan: The Pilgrim’s Progress John Donne :the Metaphysical poet/ Metaphysical Poetry, representative works, conceits IV The 18th Century The Enlightenment Movement Literature: sentimentalism, The Graveyard School, elegy, pre-romanticism, Gothic Novel, neoclassicism Jonathan Swift: Gulliver’s Travels, “A modest proposal” Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe William Blake: Songs of Innocence Songs of Experience ?The Tiger? “The Chimney Sweeper” Robert Burns: writing style “A Red, Red Rose” “My Heart’s in the Highlands” V The Romantic Period Beginning end The Lyrical Ballads Romanticism Literature in Romantic period The Lake Poets William Wordsworth: Principles of poetry and literary style Samuel Taylor Coleridge : The Rime of the Ancient Mariner George Gordon Byron: Byronic heroes/Don Juan/ “The Isles of Greece” Percy Bysshe Shelley: “Ode to the West Wind” 主观题部分7选3,回答力求全面) Epic (定义,主要特征,代表) Definition: An lengthy narrative poem, majestic both in theme and style. Epics deal with legendary or significant historical events, usually the exploits of a hero Characteristics: The setting is vast, covering many nations Begins with a statement of the theme Features long and formal speeches Contains long lists, called an epic catalogue The Song of Beowulf Odyssey Renaissance (定义,时间,主要的文学,的主要代表was first used by Italians to express the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman culture and indicated the intellectual and literary movement over Europe from the 14th


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