CG animation 高级角色动画理论.doc

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CG animation 高级角色动画理论

CG animation 高级角色动画理论 翻译: 张剑锋 Character animation. The phrase can conjure up a multitude of images, from walking broomsticks and talking mice, to dancing bugs and toys that can fly. It should also make us aware of long hours spent planning, drawing, revising, and practicing, practicing, and more practicing, a difficult, but rewarding art. 什么是角色动画?就是让一张张的图片中了魔法一样动了起来!!表现的内容也千奇百怪, 可以是扫把走路,老鼠说话,也可以是跳舞的虫子,甚至是会飞的玩具.可制作过程却是非常艰苦的,得花时间来从策划,绘制,到校订,其间还有不断的调试测试,过程非常艰苦,但却是一项非常有成就感的艺术创作. With the advent of computers, many more people have become exposed to the magical quality and tools for creating high quality CG character animation. However, high quality, does not mean, easy to master. Many top notch animators have spent literally years practicing and learning their craft. Out of all the fields of computer graphics and art, animation is probably one of the most difficult. 随着计算机技术的突飞猛进,越来越多的人从事创作高质量的CG角色动画这项事业.然而,高质量却不是那么容易达到的.很多顶级的动画师都花了几年甚至更长时间来磨练他们的技术.因结合了计算机和艺术两方面知识,动画也许是最难掌握的一种. The animator must not only have the technical ability to draw or pose characters, but also have a keen sense of timing, of observation, mannerisms, and movement. In addition one must also be an actor, have a sense of what makes something alive and natural. Bringing these somewhat diverse fields of study together, the animator can achieve something magical...the sense of bringing an inanimate character to life. 作为动画师,不但要掌握绘画或者速写的技术,还要有时间感,洞察力,表现力,和对物体运动规律的理解.此外,角色动画师同时也要是个演员,具有赋予一件事物生命活力的能力.通过这些不同领域知识的融合,动画师仿佛具有了魔力,让角色活灵活现,具有了生命力. What follows, are principles that many of the traditional masters of animation have learned and discovered in their journey to learn their art. These principles are equally applicable to both traditional forms of character animation (i.e.: cel, stop motion etc...) as well as computer animation. In addition to some of the basic principles, I am also including some new variations and combinations of these principles, thanks to some friends on the CG-Char list. (See the Spe


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