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Part One An Introduction to the United Kingdom Chapter 3 British Political System 【教学目的与要求】 通过学习,使学生掌握英国政体的性质、组织形式,政府的基本构成,英国的两大政党(保守党和劳动党)、大选、司法制度等。 【教学重点】 The Monarchy Parliament Government Political Parties Judicial System 【教学难点】 Parliament Judicial System 【计划课时】 4 periods 【主要内容】 Lesson 4 Political System: Parliament and Government 1. Constitutional Monarchy A?constitutional monarchy?is a form of?government?in which a?monarch?acts as?head of state?within the parameters of a written (i.e., codified), unwritten (i.e., uncodified) or blended?constitution. It differs from?absolute monarchy?in that an absolute monarch serves as the sole source of political power in the state and is not legally bound by any constitution. Most constitutional monarchies employ a?parliamentary system?in which the Monarch may have strictly Ceremonial duties or may have Reserve Powers, depending on the constitution, have a directly or indirectly elected?prime minister?who is the head of government and exercises effective political power. (/wiki/Constitutional_monarchy) Major contemporary constitutional monarchies include Britain, Belgium, Cambodia, Jordan, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Thailand. Britain is a constitutional monarchy, a monarchy in which the sovereign has mainly advisory and ceremonial responsibilities. The constitutional position of the Monarchy is summed up in the famous phrase “The Sovereign reigns but does not rule. That is, the country is governed, in the name of the Sovereign, but by His or Her Majesty’s Government 1) The Monarchy The Present Sovereign The Queen is Head of State of the UK and 15 other Commonwealth realms. The elder daughter of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, she was born in 1926 and became Queen at the age of 25, and has reigned through more than five decades of enormous social change and development. The Queen is married to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and has four children and eight grandchildren. Her oldest son-Prince C


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