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校史馆英文讲解稿件 The first floor The hall Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the history museum of Shanghai Customs College. I’m your museum announcer today. As you can see, the architecture of this building is Spanish styled and it is a copy/replica of the original building on Fenyang Road. The original one was built in 1932, designed by the famous Wu tak foreign firm(邬达克洋行)at that time. We began to use that building as one of our school office buildings in 1953. In order to make the young generations remember the history, we copied the unique and typical building here when we moved to the new campus in 1997. The building has 3 floors, and our visit will begin in this hall. Now as you can see, the sculpture on the wall presents that thousands of vessels on rivers are competing for the advancement(千帆竞发,百舸争流). The Chinese words on the wall tell the spirit of our college-- patriotic, ambitious, open, and versatile. You can take photos here after the visit. Well, ladies and gentlemen, let’s proceed to the first room. Room1 The first part in front of us shows the scene of the inaugural ceremony of our school. In 2007, Mr. Mu Xinsheng, former commissioner of the General Administration of China Customs (GACC), and Mr. Xi Jinping, the former General Secretary of Shanghai Municipal Committee of CPC and current Chinese President, inaugurated a new period for our school—from a junior college to a regular college. It was a memorable and historic moment. Mr. Han Zheng, the former Shanghai mayor, also attended the ceremony. This school plaque you see here is the original one in the photo. It witnesses our school history. Now let’s go back to 1908. Our university grew from a tax school. At that time, the headmaster was Mr. Tang Shaoyi, who was also the first prime minister of the Republic of China. Lets look at this photograph taken on Fen yang Road. This is our former campus.Now, what you can see is the People’s Daily in 1953, recording the founding of the Shanghai Custom School, a his


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