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1. 目的Purpose: 作为涂装作业之标准。 This document provides standards for coating inspection and acceptance. 2. 范围Scope of application: 适用于本厂的所有的进货物品。 This document covers the general requirements for surface preparation, environmental control, and the inspection of powder coating to metal substrates. 3. 参考文件References: GB9286 GB1732 GB6742 4. 操作条件General Requirements: 4.1 涂装产品表面温度至少要高出露点5℉或3℃。在操作开始时及操作过程中每4小时要测量一次。 The surface temperature shall be at least 5℉ or 3℃above the dew point. Readings are required at the start of work and approximately every 4 hours. 4.2 操作环境不得有污染、不适当或被损坏的涂料存在。 Areas where contaminate, defective, or damaged coatings have been found are not allowed. 4.3 供应商需在工作开始前对涂装产品表面进行彻底检查。 The supplier shall thoroughly examine metal surfaces to be coated prior to commencement of work. 4.4 供应商必须对每一个步骤进行检查和测试后方可进行下一个步骤。若发现有缺点和不足,必须立即进行补救工作,否则不得进入下一步骤操作。 The supplier shall inspect and test each step of the coating work operation before proceeding with the next phase. Defects and deficiencies in surface preparation and coating work that may adversely affect completed work shall be corrected before proceeding with the next step. 5. 静电涂装工艺流程图Coating Process Flow Diagram: (1) (1) 用脱脂剂加温,除去工件表面油污. Use heated Degreasing solvent to quickly remove grease, oil and other contaminants of the metal surface (2) (2) 用自来水清洗. Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals. (3) (3) 用盐酸除去工件表面各种锈及氧化皮. Use Hydrochloric acid to remove rust and oxide of the metal surface * *如果是镀锌工艺,则由第2步直接进入第5步表调. For galvanizing process, transfer from 2nd Step directly into 5th step (4) (4) 用自来水清洗 Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals. (5) (5) 用专用表调剂磷化前进行处理. Use special surface adjustment solution for surface treatment before phosphating (6) (6) 用加温磷化液进行磷化. Use heated phosphate solvent for phosphating (7) (7) 自来水常温, 如天气阴冷采用加高温清洗. Use freshwat


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