第2任总统John Adams 1797.doc

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第2任总统John Adams 1797

出处:英文:/kouyu/use/inauguraladdress/126477.html 中文:/1/meiguo-826.shtml 视频/音频:/Article/200910/86500.shtml 发言场合:1797年3月,他在大选中以微弱优势击败了自己在独立战争中的老战友托马斯·杰斐逊,成为第二届美国总统。亚当斯John Adams)是美国第一任副总统,后来又当选为总统(1797-1801)。由于他任职期间在内政、外交方面均无明显成就,1800年竞选总统时被托马斯·杰斐逊击败。其子约翰·昆西·亚当斯是美国第六任总统。约翰·亚当斯从小聪慧过人,享有“神童”的美誉。他20岁时就获得了哈佛大学法学院的硕士学位,并成了一名受人尊敬的律师。约翰·亚当斯素来热衷政治,他是美国独立运动的主要领导人之一,与华盛顿和杰弗逊一起,被誉为美国独立运动的“三杰”。作为美国独立运动最重要的领导人之一,老亚当斯在独立战争后被选为第一和第二届国会议员。 1789年至1797年,老亚当斯在开国元勋华盛顿的班底中连任两届副总统。1797年3月,他在大选中以微弱优势击败了自己在独立战争中的老战友托马斯 ·杰弗逊,成为第二届美国总统。1826年7月4日,是老亚当斯参与起草的美国独立宣言诞生50周年纪念日,也是美国的国庆日,这一天,90岁高龄的老亚当斯在昆西与世长辞。 美国历届总统就职演说之---第二任总统John Adams的就职演讲稿 Inaugural Address of John Adams INAUGURAL ADDRESS IN THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1797 When it was first perceived, in early times, that no middle course for America remained between unlimited submission to a foreign legislature and a total independence of its claims, men of reflection were less apprehensive of danger from the formidable power of fleets and armies they must determine to resist than from those contests and dissensions which would certainly arise concerning the forms of government to be instituted over the whole and over the parts of this extensive country. Relying, however, on the purity of their intentions, the justice of their cause, and the integrity and intelligence of the people, under an overruling Providence which had so signally protected this country from the first, the representatives of this nation, then consisting of little more than half its present number, not only broke to pieces the chains which were forging and the rod of iron that was lifted up, but frankly cut asunder the ties which had bound them, and launched into an ocean of uncertainty. The zeal and ardor of the people during the Revolutionary war, supplying the place of government, commanded a degree of order sufficient at least for the temporary preservation of society. The Confederation which was early felt to be necessary was prepared from th


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