Susan Hockfield-MIT校长就职演讲.doc

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MIT第16任校长就职演说 Susan Hockfield,MIT(美国麻省理工学院)第16任校长。MIT在她领导的四年里持续在美国大学和研究生院的排行榜上名列前茅,而诺贝尔奖的获奖人数也达到了惊人的72位。正如她在就职演说上许下的诺言:“Iwant MIT to be a dream of every child who wants to make the world a better place”,“I want MIT an even better MIT”。 今天让我们重温下谦逊,温文尔雅的学者Susan四年前激动人心的就职演说。 Background knowledge: Yale bulldog: The mascot of Yale University is Handsome Dan, the famous Yale bulldog, and the Yale fight song (written by Cole Porter while he was a student at Yale) contains the refrain, Bulldog, bulldog, bow wow wow. 美国的很多大学都有自己的吉祥物,一旦有什么重要活动,这些吉祥物就会出场,哈佛和耶鲁,这对老冤家,无论在什么场合都是彼此不相让,下面这张图片就是去年哈佛和耶鲁球队比赛时候,耶鲁大学展示的巨型充气Bulldog,耶鲁学生都亲切的称他为“英俊的Dan”。 Susan 毕业于Yale University,而且她也曾经担任过Yale college 的dean,类似院长之类的职务。所以她跟大家开玩笑说,她不会将MIT变成一个Yale大学bulldogs的kennel,言外之意她会保留MIT的原汁原味。 Thank you, all of you for such an incredibly warm …warm welcome to this community. I am deeply honored to have been 1 ________ as MIT’s 16th President. As a scientist, Ive always regarded MIT as a 2 ________ projecting an incredibly bright light that has illuminated the path of 3 ________ and innovation for the entire world. And I know that I am only one of countless people who have been 4 ________ and on many occasions awed by MIT’s strengths along the entire continuous scholarship, from the most 5 ________ basic research into the nature of our world, to the most advanced 6 ________ and technological innovations. It is of course the 7 ________ of every university to produce and disseminate knowledge and yet MIT has advanced both parts of this mission at an absolutely 8 ________ rate. Discoveries and innovations have poured forth from the Institute in a staggering torrent from engineering and science to be sure, but just as 9 ________ from economics, businesses, the arts, the social sciences and 10 ________. As all of you might imagine, over the last several weeks I have become 11 ________ attuned to any mention of MIT. And perhaps not surprisingly, hardly a day has gone by without some news of some MIT discovery, s


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