英语演讲+翻译 新加坡管理大学校长梅雅诺在首届中国论坛的欢迎致辞.doc

英语演讲+翻译 新加坡管理大学校长梅雅诺在首届中国论坛的欢迎致辞.doc

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Welcome Address by SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer at the Inaugural SMU China Forum Mochtar Riady Auditorium, Level 5 SMU Administration Building 13 November 2013, Wednesday, 9.00am 新加坡管理大学校长梅雅诺在首届中国论坛的欢迎致辞 2013年11月13日 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam Mr Ho Kwon Ping, SMU Chairman His Excellency Duan Jielong, China’s Ambassador to Singapore Our Keynote Speaker Professor Justin Lin and panel members Ladies and gentlemen 尊敬的新加坡副总理兼财政部长尚达曼先生 尊敬的新加坡管理大学董事会主席何光平先生 尊敬的中华人民共和国驻新加坡共和国大使段洁龙阁下 尊敬的主讲人林毅夫先生和各位演讲者 各位演讲者和来宾, 女士们、先生们, Good morning and a very warm welcome to the inaugural SMU China Forum. 上午好!热烈欢迎各位参加新加坡管理大学(以下简称“新大”)首届中国论坛。 We are all aware that China’s emergence as a political heavyweight and an economic superpower has wide and far-reaching implications. It is a country with a long history and many different faces. Change in China is taking place at great speed. 众所周知,作为政治大国和经济强国,中国的崛起会对未来世界产生广泛和长远的影响。中国拥有悠久的历史和多元性。中国正在经历着高速的变革。 The new leadership of China is faced with a myriad of complex challenges. These include rapid urbanisation, maintaining social stability, strengthening the social safety net, narrowing the income gap, an ageing population, and restructuring its economy to sustain growth. 中国新的领导人面临着一系列复杂的挑战,包括快速的城镇化、维持社会稳定、加强社会安全、缩小贫富差距、人口老龄化、调整经济结构以保持可持续发展。 SMU China Forum 新大中国论坛 Against this backdrop, the SMU China Forum has been organised to provide business leaders, entrepreneurs, policymakers and researchers with a more comprehensive and integrated understanding of some of the influences and trends that are shaping China’s growth and development. It aims to enable participants of this Forum, as the theme suggests, to Be China Ready, by coming together to share, discuss and debate ideas and issues about China that are current and relevant. 在这种背景下,对于中国的成长与发展产生的影响和趋势,新大中国论坛会给商业领袖、企业家、政策决策者和研究人员一个更综合、完整的解读。如同论坛主题透析中国,蓄势待发"所示,此论坛旨在让与会者在一起分享、讨论和辩论与中国现今发展相关的想法和问题。 With these objectives in mind, w


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