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模拟试题一 Part A Reading Aloud(模仿朗读) Babies stick close to Mum. They’re sometimes called sea cows because they graze for eight hours a day. And they need a huge gut to digest all that grass. No wonder they look portly. Like all mammals they have to take a breath from time to time. No worries in sea rarely deeper than 10 metres. Thanks to the meadows of sea-grass they lead a sheltered and stately life. Without the unusual shape of the coast, Shark Bay would be a sandy wasteland, much like the desert that surrounds it. Part B Role Play (角色扮演)情景介绍 任务:(1)跟你的瑞典同学讨论瑞典的天气; (2)根据谈话内容回答你其他同学的提问。 M: When I say I live in Sweden, people always want to know about the seasons. W: The seasons? M: Yeah, you know how cold it is in winter!What is it like when the days are so short? W: So what is it like? M: Well, it is cold ,very cold in winter. Sometimes it is cold as 26 degrees below centigrade. And of course when you go out, you’ll wrap up warm. But inside in the houses is always very warm, much warmer than at home. Swedish people always complain that when they visit England, the houses are cold even in the good winter. W: Is it dark around Christmas? M: Well, yeah, around Christmas time there’s only one hour of daylight, so you really look forward to the spring. It is sometimes a bit depressing. W: Could you describe what the summer looks like in Sweden? M: But you see the summers are amazing, from May to July in the North of Sweden and the sun never sets. It’s still light in the midnight. You can walk in the mountains and read a newspaper. W: Does that mean you can still see the sun in the midnight? M: Yeah, that’s right, it’s wonderful. You won’t stay up all night. And the Swedes make most of it, often they start to work earlier in summer and then leave at about 2 or 3 in the afternoon, so that they can really enjoy the long summer evenings. Questions to Ask: 圣诞前后,天色是不是都很暗呢? 你能描述一下夏天的瑞典是什么样的吗? 那就意味着,你在午夜也可以看到太阳吗? Key: Is it dark around Christmas? Could you describe what th


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