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Section I 英汉互译 World Exposition (World Expo): 世博会 Osaka: 大阪 cities with beautiful scenery: 风景优美的城市 与世界接轨:keep up with the global trend of development 了解世界的窗口:a window to see the outside world 上海市中心:downtown Shanghai 都市区域:urban district 城市让生活更美好(上海世博会主题):better city, better life 历史记录:the all-time high 会址:the site of the Expo 对估计有充分的依据:have grounds for the estimation 华东地区:east China 供水:water supply 旧区改造:reconstruction of the old districts Section II 口译课文 海滨旅游城市:a beach resort 海滨公园:beach park 年平均气温:average annual temperature 被评为…:be rated… 国际花园城市:international garden city 全球环境500佳:Global 500 Environment Award 主题公园:theme park 世界之窗:window of the world 民俗文化村:folk culture village 锦绣中华:Splendid China 欢乐谷:Happy Valley 明斯克航母世界:Aircraft Carrier “Minsk” 人文古迹:locations of ancient culture legacy 美食:gourmet food 丰富的商品:abundant commodities 海陆空港口:seaport, airport and inland port 远洋国际集装箱班轮航线:international container shipment route 国内航空航线:domestic air routes 陆路口岸:inland port 可以直达…:some place is an express entrance to… 珠江三角洲:Zhujiang Delta 集聚功能和辐射作用:centralizing and dissemination 展览面积:exhibition area 会展业:exhibition sector 出台优惠政策:announce preferential policies 深圳国际会展中心:Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center 超大型公共建筑:super large public building 单体建筑:single building 东西长…米:extend … meters from east to west 高达…米:stand up to …meters 建筑面积:construction area 展厅:exhibition hall 国际标准展位:international-standard booth 多功能厅:multi-purpose hall 能容纳…人:with a capacity of … people 中轴线:middle axis 标志性建筑:landmark 与…遥相呼应:remotely symmetric with… 中央商务区:CBD 中央政务区:CAD 市政府办公地:City Hall 滨河快道:Binhe Expressway 高速公路:freeway 地铁线路:subway line 接驳:interchangeable 地下通道:underground passage 公交线路:bus line 星级酒店:star-rated hotel 商业圈:commercial ring 休闲:leisure anniversary celebration: 周年庆典 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: 联合国教科文组织 World Heritage Convention: 世界遗产公约 Visitors’ Lobby at United Nations Headquarters: 联合国总部大厦大厅 storm sky: 电闪雷鸣的天空 lagoon: 环湖礁 bustling marketplace: 熙熙攘攘的集市 Morocco: 摩洛哥


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