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independence It helps children develop a sense of independence, and helps relieve their parents’ economic burdens. 它可以帮助孩子们培养独立意识,减轻父母的经济负担。 trial n. 测试,试验,考研 Human society is full of tests and trials. Flowers from a greenhouse can never withstand a storm. 人类社会充满种种考验,温室的花朵永远无法承受生活的风风雨雨。 effect n. 作用;影响 The numerous examples indicate that hardships will have a positive effect on our personal development. 无数的例子表明,艰辛对于个人的成长是有好处。 (4)condition n. 条件,先决条件;环境;情况 It is in difficult conditions that young people can get the most training and learn how to solve problems in various circumstances. 正是在艰苦的条件下,年轻人才能得到最好的锻炼,同时学会在不同情况下处理不同的问题。 (5)influence n. 影响 The behavior of the parents will have a tremendous influence on the growth of children. 父母的行为举止会对孩子的成长产生巨大的影响。 (6)Competition n.竞争 Competition is found everywhere because it is human inborn nature to long for the better. 竞争无处不在,因为对美好事物的渴望是人的天性。 (7)skill n. 技能;技巧 1,It is important for young people to acquire some basic skills necessary for the survival in the future through social practice. 通过社会实践获取生存所必备的技能对于年轻人来说是非常重要的 2,Both book knowledge and practical skills are equally important to our personal development. 书本知识和实践能对我们的个人成长是同等重要的。 3,Many people are found of competition because it enables them to bring their knowledge or skills into full play. 许多人喜欢竞争,因为竞争使他们充分发挥自己的知识或技能。 第一页, 1, Without competition, people would remain idle and have no ambition. 没有竞争,人们就会无所事事,没有抱负。 2,Competition and cooperation are involved in every field of life and work. 社会各个领域充满着竞争与合作。 3,As far as young generation is concerned, we should make adequate preparation for the challenges and setbacks ahead of us. 就我们年轻一代而言,我们应该为未来的种种挑战和挫折做好充分的准备。 4,Some people believe that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative while others think that learning to be competitive is what we are badly in need of. 一些人认为,学会合作是为未来人生做的最好的准备;也有一些人认为,学会竞争才是我们最需要的。 5,Human beings are social beings. No one can survive without help from others. Only with help com


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