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泛读3 Unit 4

Unit 4 Word Pretest 1.underlie [ Vt.1)To lie or be beneath.位于....之下 eg.Shale underlies the coal. 页岩层在煤层下面。 2)To be at the bottom of;serve as the base of,as of an argument or theory;support.位于...的底部,为(辩论、学说等)的基础支撑。 eg.What motives underlies his act.他行动的动机是什么? The principles which underlie our foreign policy are sound.作为我们外交政策基础的原则是健全的。 过去式:underlay 过去分词:underlain 现在分词:underlying 2.subscribe 1)Vi. adopt as a belief.同意,赞成(to) eg.He could not subscribe to their unfair plan.他不能赞同他们不公平的办法。 【subscribe to sth.同意,赞成】 2)Vi.To sign a paper in token of promise to give a certain sum,or to take and pay for sth. as a book.认捐,认购,订阅,预约(书等)(to) eg.We subscribe to several magazines.我们订阅数种杂志。 3)Vi.预订,认购(for) eg.Renew the magazines that I subscribed for another year. 把我订阅的杂志再续订一年。 to subscribe for bonds.认购公债 4)Vt.To give or promise(a sum of money)for some object,by writing ones name. 捐款,捐助 eg.I have subscribed 20,000 dollars for the institute.我为该机构已捐助了两万美元。 5)Vt.Write ones name(on)签署 eg.Has he subscribed his name on the papers?他在文件上签名了吗? 【subscribe oneself as.把自己的名字签作....】 3.covenant 1)NOUN.A signed written agreement between two or more parties(nations) to perform some action.契约,盟约,合同 eg. ....the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights......公民权利和政治权利公约 2)NOUN (Bible)an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return.圣约 3)Vi. Enter into a formal agreement.订立盟约、契约 eg.They covenanted in loyalty to the king.他们订立盟约以效忠国王。 4)Vt.用盟约承诺、保证 eg.They covenanted that their hostages would be present.他们保证他们的人质将到场。 Tribulation NOUN.An annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event.苦难,磨难。 Eg.....the trials and tribulations of everyday life.日常生活的磨练与艰难。 Tribulation consciousness忧患意识 5.flies in the face of (contrary)与...相反的,背道而驰的 6.succumb Vi.consent reluctantly;yield.屈服,死,被压垮(to) eg.Many of them succumbed to their injuries.他们之中的许多人受伤不治而死。 ...to succumb to a disease因患病而死 Garb NOUN。Clot


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