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Good morning,everyone! my name is li lan, and my name is jin shu dan, today we will show you a film dubbing about “2 broke girls”. I will act as Caroline Channing, and she will play as Max Black. 2 Broke Girls is a comedy TV show by CBS. The story is about two young women waitressing at a greasy spoon diner strike up an unlikely friendship in the hopes of launching a successful business - if only they can raise the cash. 各位同学,老师,大家早上好!今天我们将给大家展示《破产姐妹》中的一段配音,这部美剧讲述的是两个身份背景完全不同的都市女孩的故事。Max生在穷人家庭,而Caroline生在富人家庭。Caroline家道中落,令她不得不去Max工作的饭店打工赚钱。因为在同一家低档餐馆打工而成为好朋友。她们梦想着开创自己的事业--只要她们能攒足25万美元!在第38届美国民选奖上,该剧嬴得了最受欢迎电视新喜剧。 Now,let’s start! C: look,I konw you are upset about your toys,max. M: There is only one kind of wet that I have been at 3:00 in the morning that i would call fun. This is not it! C: oh,look! under the newspaper , there is some sort of stained glass window there. oh,pretty! M: Oh,you’re finally getting the money you wanted and you’re so chipper. C: Im chipper, to use your word, because were working to earn money to move our business brand forward. M: Stop saying “Brand” and this “Seminar” better be worth it C: why are you saying it like that? seminar,with quotes around it,like it s a silly idea or something. M: I didn’t say “seminar” with quotes around it C: you did , you said. ooh!ooh,sorry! sorry! I was trying to illustrate that you put quotes around it. M: I am too tired to put quotes around things, but if I were gonna put quotes on a word, that word would be ,”seminar” . Oh,and “branding’. And I would put big ,giant ,dumbass quotes around ‘branding seminar”! C: max, you did that on purpose! M: Oh,maybe it was just an accident! M: Stop! Stop! You’re spraying the light cord! Hello!Water and electricity not the best combo! Like some other not great combos I can think of. C: us?you mean us? what ,now we are not a great combo? wow!sorry I suggested we go to a quote-seminar-unquote. sorry Im trying to move us forward. M: Sorry that you think you


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