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Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin,Is a great equalizer of the conditions of men. – Horace Mann, 1848.At the time of his remarks I couldnt read — couldnt write.Any attempt to do so, punishable by death.For generations we have known of knowledges infinite power.Yet somehow, weve never questioned the keeper of the keys —The guardians of information.?Unfortunately, Ive seen more dividing and conqueringIn this order of operations — a heinous miscalculation of reality.For some, the only difference between a classroom and a plantation is time.How many times must we be made to feel like quotas —Like tokens in coined phrases? —Diversity. Inclusion?There are days I feel like one, like only —A lonely blossom in a briar patch of broken promises.But Ive always been a thorn in the side of injustice.?Disruptive. Talkative. A distraction.With a passion that transcends the confines of my consciousness — Beyond your curriculum, beyond your standards.I stand here, a manifestation of love and pain,With veins pumping revolution.I am the strange fruit that grew too ripe for the poplar tree.I am a DREAM Act, Dream Deferred incarnate.I am a movement – an amalgam of memories America would care to forgetMy past, alone wont allow me to sit still.So my body, like the mindCannot be contained.As educators, rather than raising your voicesOver the rustling of our chains,Take them off. Un-cuff us.Unencumbered by the lumbering weightOf poverty and privilege,Policy and ignorance.?I was in the 7th grade, when Ms. Parker told me,Donovan, we can put your excess energy to good use!And she introduced me to the sound of my own voice.She gave me a stage. A platform.She told me that our stories are laddersThat make it easier for us to touch the stars.So climb and grab them.Keep climbing. Grab them.Spill your emotions in the big dipper and pour out your soul.Light up the world with your luminous allure.?To educate requires Galileo-like patience.Today, when I look my students in the eyes


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