中大研精读下 Unit 5 生词、短语.doc

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中大研精读下 Unit 5 生词、短语

Unit Five Text: Japanese and American workers: Two Casts of Minds Words and Phrases: corporate: adj collective 团体的 共同的公司的; 团体的: corporate responsibility, action, etc 共同的责任、 行动等corporate planning policy, etc 公司的计划、 方针等 Corporate executives usually have high salaries. 公司里的管理人员一般享有高薪. a corporate body 团体.n 时代上的错误, 弄错年代 被置错时代或年代的事物被视为过时的人, 习俗, 思想:It would be an anachronism to talk of Queen Victoria watching television. 谈到维多利亚女王看电视是时代上的错误. Modern dress is an anachronism in productions of Shakespeares plays. 在莎士比亚剧作演出中出现的现代服装, 是弄错年代的东西. The monarchy is seen by some as an anachronism in present-day society. 君主政体在当今社会中被一些人视为是过时的制度.adj [通常作表语] ~ (to sb/sth) (fml) unfriendly hostile 不友好harmful 有害: countries that are inimical to us/to our interests 对我们不友好的有损我国利益的]国家actions that are inimical to friendly relations between countries 对国家间友好关系有害的行动.n (US)未打烙印的小牛持独立见解者持异议者:Politically, shes a bit of a maverick. 在政治方面, 她有点自行其是.adj [pred] ~ (to sb) (for sth) responsible (对自己的行为等)应作解说; 负责: Who are you accountable to in the organization? 你在这个组织向谁负责? He is mentally ill and cannot be held accountable for his actions. 他有精神病, 不能对自己的行为负责.~ (to sb) for sth (对自己掌管的钱等)作令人满意的交代 account for sth explain the cause of sth 作某事物的解释 解释某事物的原因:We must account (to our employer) for every penny we spend during a business trip. 我们得把我们出差时所花的每一分钱(向雇主)交代清楚. His illness accounts for his absence. 他因病缺席. Please account for your disgraceful conduct. 对你的可耻行为请作解释.v解开(某物)的结; 使不再紊乱等: untangle knitting wool, electric flex 解开缠结的毛线、 电线 She untangled her hair from the hair-drier.她把搅在吹风机上的头发松开了.untangle a plot 理出头绪I cant untangle these accounts/figures. 我算不清这些帐目数字.v ~ (sth) (up)(使)乱作一团, 绞在一起 ~ with sb/sth 与某人吵嘴或打架 与某事有纠葛:Her hair got all tangled up in the barbed wire fence. 她的头发让刺钢丝篱笆都给挂住了. I shouldnt tangle with Peter -- hes bigger than you. 我不该与彼得纠缠--他比你块头大.n [C](绳子、 毛发等的)乱团confused condition 混乱: brush the tangles out of a dogs fur 刷顺狗毛 The wool got in a fearful tangle. 毛线乱成了一团.His financial affairs are in su


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