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基于TMS320F2812DSP的电机调速系统 摘 要 电机调速是电力电子技术应用的最大领域之一,具有极大的吸引力,同时也具有较强的挑战性。它的市场异常庞大,据报道,世界上大约有100亿以上各种电机在工作,近年来,我国空调一年的产量已经超过上1000万台,仅此一项市场已非常庞大;另外,其应用面极其广泛,例如机床、电动工具、电力机车、机器人、家用电器、计算机的驱动器、汽车、船舶、轧钢、造纸和纺织行业等等。而交流异步电机由于结构简单,使用与维护方便,运行可靠、价格低廉,并具有比较满意的运行特性和比较高的效率,在传动领域具有重要的地位。交流变频调速技术的优越性主要体现在两个方面:一是节电显著;二是卓越的调速性能。 本文以三相交流异步电动机为被控对象,以TMS320F2812DSP芯片为处理器,采用智能功率模块PM1OCSJ060,通过SPWM控制技术对交流电机实现恒压频比控制,设计了基于DSP的交流电机变频调速系统。 关键词:DSP;变频调速智能功率模块;恒压频比控制;SPWM TMS320F2812DSP Motor Adjusting Control System Abstract The speed governing of electromotor is one of the largest applied regions of the power electronic technology that has great attractive and huge challenge. Its market is thundering hugeness. It is reported that there are approximately more than ten billion different kinds of electromotor that are at work in the world. The output of our countrys air conditioning for one year has already exceeded ten millions, only this market is extremely bulkiness. In addition, the application of the speed governing of electromotor is very comprehensive, such as a chineool electric tool electric locomotive robot white goods the driver of computer automobile watercraft steel rolling paper manu facture and textile vocation and so on. Owing to the simple structure, the convenience of use and maintenance, the running credibility, the cheap price, the comparatively satisfied operating characteristic and the relatively high efficiency, the AC asynchronous motor takes on a very important station in transmission domain. The superiority of motor control technology is mostly incarnate in two aspects: One is the prominence of saving power; the other is the preeminent governing performance. In this paper, three phase AC asynchronous motor is the controlled object, regard TMS320F2812 DSP chip as the processor, based on intelligent power module (IPM) PMI0CSJ060, this system use SPWM technology to realize constant control of AC motor. We design the variable frequency variable speed induction motor control sy


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