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销 售 合 同 Sales Contract 合同编号: Contract No: 签订日期:201年 月 日 Date: th, 2014 签订地点 Place: 买方: The Buyer: 地址: Legal Address: 电话: Tel: 卖方: The Seller:地址: Legal Address: 电话:+86- 传真:+86-Tel: +86- Fax: +86- 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意卖出下列商品: This contract made between the seller and the Buyer is based on the contract article. The Buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the commodity as follows: 货物名称、规格、数量及价格 Commodity, Specifications, Qty, Price 序号 Item 名称、规格 Commodity Specifications 颜色 Colour 单位 Unit 数量 Qty () Unit price () Total Amount () 01 02 核算: Calculating: 整车单价; 内陆运费. Whole vehicle unit FOB price ; Inland freight RMB/UNIT. 核算: Calculating: 整车单价; 内陆运费. Whole vehicle unit FOB price RMB; Inland freight RMBUNIT. 合计Total The Total Contract Value (大写) SAY TOTAL RMB ONLY 人民币 圆整 国际贸易术语解释通则 Incoterms 2000 价格条款中贸易术语将按照由国际商会规定的国际贸易术语解释通则(国际贸易术语解释通则2000年版)解释,另有规定除外。 The terms “CIF” shall be subject to the “International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms” (INCOTERMS, 2000) provided by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) unless otherwise stipulated herein. 原产地: Country of Origin:China. 付款方式: Terms of Payment:自签订合同日起七个工作日内4.2 买方自签订合同日起七个工作日内电汇支付30%人民币整(RMB)抵押金。余款70%人民币整(RMB)于卖方发车前电汇付出全部抵押金。在收到买方的全额美元货款后,卖方返还全额人民币抵押款。 The Buyer shall pay 30% of total contract deposit amount(RMB)to the Seller’s account by T/T within 7 working days after the buyer signed the contract. The balance 70% total deposit amount (RMB) shall be paid by T/T before the delivery of goods, the date should be within three working days after the seller’s advice. After received the total contract amount US DOLLARS goods payment, the seller should return the total amount RMB deposit capital to the buyer. **银行,人民币账户信息 公司名称: 账号: 公司地址: 邮编:开户


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