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清明节 The Pure Brightness Festival The Pure Brightness Day, one of the 24 Seasonal Division Points, is also an ancient traditional festival in China. It falls in the third lunar month or around April 5th in the solar calendar, when the spring scene is radiant and enchanting and the air is refreshing, hence, its name. 清明是二十四节气之一,也是中国一个古老的传统节日。清明节在农历三月,公历4月5日左右,此时春光明媚,空气清新,清明节因此得名。 On this day, people have the custom of sweeping the graves for their ancestors, take an outing in the countryside and wear a willow twig on the head. 清明节人们有扫墓祭祖和踏青插柳的习俗。 The Chinese have the tradition to respect the aged. Thus, when the day comes, every family will go to the countryside to hold a memorial ceremony at their ancestors’ tombs. People get rid of any weeds growing around the tomb, burn incense and offer food and paper money to show their remembrance and respect for their ancestors. This is called “visiting a grave” or “sweeping a grave”. 中国人有敬老的传统, 因此,每到清明节这天,家家户户都要到郊外去祭扫祖先的坟墓。人们为坟墓除去杂草,在坟前点上香,摆上食物和纸钱,表示对祖先的思念和敬意。这叫上坟,也叫扫墓。 At this time, the grass of the countryside is sprouting, willows along rivers have put forth new buds; it is fresh green everywhere, a good time for an outing. In ancient times, people used to wear a willow twig in their hair at this time because it was supposed to be able to drive away ghosts and disasters. 清明时节,小草发芽,河边柳树长出嫩芽,到处一片新绿,正是远足的好时候。古人常常把树枝戴在头上(插柳),据说插柳可以驱除鬼怪和灾难。


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