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Monograph专题论文What Is a Monograph?(什么是专题论文?)A monograph is a specialized scientific book. As learned treatises on clearly defined topics, which may be intra-, inter-, or cross-disciplinary, monographs generally are written by specialists for the benefit of other specialists.(专题论文是一本专门的科学书。正如所学到的,对明确定义的主题进行了论述,这些主题可以是内部的,之间的或跨学科的,专题论文通常由专家撰写,有益于其他专家。) Although usually regarded as a component of the review literature of science, monographs are works that demand the highest standards of scholarship.(虽然通常被认为是科学综述文献的一个组成部分,但专题论文是需要最高标准的学问的作品。) Their preparation calls for exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge on the part of their authors, who, inter alia, must be able to collect, collate, analyze, integrate, and synthesize all relevant contributions to the archival literature of the scientific and engineering journals and to add original material as required.(它们的准备要求作者对知识具有特殊的广度和深度,他们尤其必须能够收集,整理,分析,整合和综合对科学和工程期刊有相关贡献的档案文献的?,根据需要添加原材料。) The value of monographs lies in the coherence and comprehensiveness of the information and knowledge they contain, which is important to the specialized researchers to whom they are directed and, therefore, to the advancement of science and engineering generally. (专题论文的价值在于它们所包含的信息和知识的一致性和全面性,这对于他们所针对的专业研究人员是重要的,并且因此对于一般地科学和工程的进步是重要的。)Most monographic manuscripts are critically reviewed and tightly edited.(大多数专题手稿都经过严格审查和严格的编辑。) The resulting books can be expected to have a reasonably long shelf life.(所得到的书可以预期具有相当长的保质期。)Monographs commonly are confused with other kinds of books; hence, some distinctions need to be drawn.(专题论文通常会与其他类型的书混淆; 因此,需要作出一些区分。) Textbooks are pedagogical works which, even if written on fairly narrow subjects, are designed to serve broader and more junior readerships than specialized research communities. (教科书是教学工作的书,即使是在相当狭窄的科目上写的,也是为了服务于比专门研究社群更广泛和更初级的读者。)Textbooks are not monographs.(教科书不是专著。)Neither are most books of conference proceedings, even though they may deal with specialized topics and be directed at


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