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期末选择题样题 Read the following sentences carefully and choose the most suitable translation for the underlined parts. (10%) Example: They won the game. A. 获得了猎物 B. 赢得了比赛 C. 得到了游戏 If you think the most suitable translation is: B. 赢得了比赛, write B 0n the Answer Sheet. In Europe, at least, the years before 1914 were viewed with understandable nostalgia by those who after them knew no real peace. A. 知道 B. 经历 C. 听说 They have people, brains and they can be impressively disciplined. And their industrial potential is awesome. A.实业家的潜力 B. 勤奋的潜力 C. 工业潜力 More guests came than I could count. A. 客人来得比我所能计算的还多。 B. 客人来得很多,我数也数不清。 C. 客人来得太多,我不能计算。 He spent more money than he cared to. A. 他花了多于他愿意花的钱。 B. 他多花了钱,心有不甘。 C. 他花得钱多,但他不在乎。 more people would be injured A. 受伤的人就更多了B. 更多的人会受伤 C. 多数人会受伤 十、其它 词性的判断 But, whether the law of competition be benign or not, we cannot evade it; of the effect of any substitute for it proposed we cannot be sure. 但是,不管这个法则是好是坏,我们都无法回避它,因为它建议我们不敢肯定对新的替代它的东西的作用 但是,不管这个法则是好是坏,我们都无法回避它,对任何建议代替它的新东西,其作用我们是不敢肯定的。 The reactionary strength thus developed, however, carried with it the seeds of its own disintegration. 反动力量就这样发展起来了,然而其内部就具有四分五裂的因素。 然而,这样发展起来的反动力量,在其内部就具有四分五裂的因素 Great lorries with a double cargo of cars for export lumber past Magdalen and the University Church. 大型货运卡车拖着装载出口木材的双层货架挂车驾驶过了马德林和大学教堂。 满载着出口汽车的双层大型卡车在马德林学院和大学教堂旁隆隆驶过。 When a complicated word processor attempts to double as a desktop publishing program or a kitchen appliance comes with half a dozen attachments, the product is bound to be unwieldy and burdensome. A. 如果一台复杂的文字处理机想比一台台式出版系统的功能强,或一台厨房用具配有六种附件,那么这种产品就必然笨重累赘。 B. 如果一台复杂的文字处理机想兼有台式出版系统的功能,或一台厨房用具配有六种附件,那么这种产品就必然笨重累赘。 数的处理 The US infantrymen, while requiring far too luxurious logistical support, put up a nice fight in France; he was fresh well-fed, and unscarred by by battle. A. 美国步兵,当需要过于奢侈的后勤支援时,在法国进行顽强的战斗。他精神饱满,营养充足,没有受过战争的创伤。 B. 美国步兵虽然需要过于奢侈的后勤支援,但在法国却进行了顽强的战斗。他们精神饱满,营养充足,没有受过战争的创伤。 (We regret that these


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