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《国际双保理通则》参考译文(一) 前? 言 《国际双保理通则》(General Rules for? International Factoring,简称GRIF),是国际双保理商联合会(简称FCI)为促进国际双保理业务发展、规范业务操作、明确各当事人权益和义务而制定的基本法律规则,其作用相当于信用证业务中的UCP。 近年来,FCI每年根据业务开展及产生的新情况,对《国际双保理通则》个别条款或措辞进行修订。现在使用的是2010年6月修订的版本,包括八个章节32条款,分为:总则、应收账款转让、信用风险、账款催收、资金划拨、争议、当事人保证及其他。 译文仅供参考,业务处理应以英文原版条款为准。 正? 文 SECTION I??? General provisions 第一节? ??总??? 则 Article 1??? Factoring contracts and receivables A factoring contract means a contract pursuant to which a supplier may or will assign accounts receivable (referred to in these Rules as 搑eceivables?which expression, where the context allows, also includes parts of receivables) to a factor, whether or not for the purpose of finance, for at least one of the following functions: -?Receivables ledgering -?Collection of receivables -?Protection against bad debts 第一条??? 保理合约与应收账款 保理合约意指一项契约,据此契约,供应商可能或将要向一家保理商转让应收账款(本规则中称为“账款”,视上下文情况,有时也指部分应收账款),无论其目的是否为了获得融资,至少需满足以下职能之一: - 账款分户账管理 - 账款催收 - 坏账担保 Article 2??? Parties taking part in two-factor international factoring The parties taking part in two-factor international factoring transactions are: (i)牋 the supplier (also commonly referred to as client or seller), the party who invoices for the supply of goods or the rendering of services; (ii)?the debtor (also commonly referred to as buyer or customer), the party who is liable for payment of the receivables from the supply of goods or rendering of services; (iii) The Export Factor, the party to which the supplier assigns his receivables in accordance with the factoring contract; (iv)?the Import Factor, the party to which the receivables are assigned by the Export Factor in accordance with these Rules. 第二条??? 参与国际双保理的当事人 参与国际双保理的当事人为: (i) 供应商(通常也称为客户或卖方):为供应货物或提供服务出具发票的一方; (ii) 债务人(通常也称为买方或顾客):对供应货物或提供服务所产生的应收账款承担付款责任的一方; (iii) 出口保理商:根据保理合约受让供应商账款的一方; (iv) 进口保理商:根据本规则受让出口保理商账款的一方。 Article 3??? Receivables included These Rules shall cover only receivables arising from sales on credit terms of goods and/or services provided by


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