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目录 一人得道鸡犬升天 When one man finds the Tao, even his chickens and dogs ascend to heaven with him 一日不见如隔三秋 Missing you one day is like being separated for three autumns 人之将死其言也善 The words of a dying man are good words 人生七十古来稀 It is rare for a man to live to 70 八仙过海各显神通 When the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each shows his or her own ability 士为知己者死 A gentleman will die for his confidant 士别三日当刮目相看 After three days, view a gentleman with new eyes 大意失荆州 Because of negligence, Jingzhou is lost 万事具备只欠东风 Everything is ready, and all that we need is an east wind 才说曹操曹操就到 Just after you mention Cao Cao, he shows up 千丈之堤溃于蚁穴 A thousand – mile dyke can collapse due to an ant - hole 千里送鹅毛礼轻情意重 A goose feather sent from thousands of miles away is a present little in size but rich in meaning 千钱买邻八百买舍 A thousand gold pieces buy a neighbor, 800 buy a home 小时了了大来必佳 If you are bright when you are young, you may not necessarily amount to something when you grow up 天高皇帝远 Heaven is high and the emperor is faraway 无功不受禄 One should not receive a reward for doing nothing 太公钓鱼愿者上钩 Lord Jiang casts the line for the fish which wants to be caught 五十步笑百步 Fifty steps laugh at 100 steps 不为五斗米折腰 Refuse to bow down for 50liters of rice 不敢越雷池一步 No one step should be taken beyond Leichi Lake 比上不足比下有余 Not up to those above, but above those below 以小人之心度君子之腹 Thinking like a petty man to judge the intentions of a gentleman 以貌取人失之子羽 Judging a talent solely by his appearance is doing him an injustice 未知鹿死谁手 It’s still hard to tell at whose hand the deer will die 巧妇难为无米之炊 Even the cleverest housewife can’t cook a meal without rice 四海之内皆兄弟 Within the four seas all men are brothers 瓜田不纳履李下不整冠 Never pull on your shoes in a melon patch; never adjust your cap under a plum tree 宁为玉碎不为瓦全 Rather be a shattered vessel of jade than an unbroken piece of pottery 司马昭之心路人皆知 Sima Zhao’s ill intent is known to all 民以食为天 People can’t do without enough


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