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中国夫妇隐居崂山,实践自给自足生活方式In a modest-looking dwelling shrouded by greenery halfway up one of the highest mountains in eastern China, a young couple have been conducting an experiment in self-sufficiency for about five years.在中国东部一座高山的半山腰上,绿色植被掩映着一个不起眼的住处。在那里,一对年轻的夫妇开展自给自足实验已有大约五年的时间了。On Lao Mountain, in coastal Shandong Province, Tang Guanhua, 26, whose family runs a design company, and his wife, Xing Zhen, 31, a former securities manager, have been surviving by their own wiles, producing everything from shoes to electricity.在滨海省份山东的崂山,从做鞋子到发电,这对夫妻全靠二人之力为生。丈夫叫唐冠华,26岁,家里经营设计公司;妻子邢振31岁,曾经是证券经理。Dressed in their homemade attire, the couple pointed to shelves loaded with bottles of home-brewed vinegar, jars of salt collected from evaporated brine and an enormous bamboo contraption leaning against the wall, held together with rope, that they use to weave clothing. One inspiration is John Seymour, a British advocate of self-sufficiency who spawned a movement half a century ago.穿着自己缝制的衣服,夫妇二人展示了架子上一瓶瓶自家酿制的醋、一罐罐海水蒸发后采集的盐,还有倚在墙上用绳子固定起来的一个巨大的竹制织布装置。鼓舞他们的包括英国人约翰·塞默(John Seymour)。他倡导自给自足,半个世纪以前发起了这项运动。But getting to this point has not been easy. Growing up in Qingdao, a port city that thrives on tourism and high-tech development, Mr. Tang, a self-described city boy, believed that “everything could be bought with money, ” and he said he had no idea about “the difference between lettuce and rapeseed, wheat and rice.” Before he started renovating the once-shabby brick hut he rents from local farmers in 2010, Mr. Tang said he had been aware of the hardships he might face and tried to prepare as best he could.他们的尝试走到今天这个地步并不容易。唐冠华在以旅游和高科技发展著称的港口城市青岛长大,自称是个城里孩子,以为“任何东西都可以花钱买到”,还说自己以前根本不知道“生菜和油菜之间、小麦和稻谷之间有什么区别。”2010年,唐冠华从当地农民那里租来了一座破旧的砖房。他说,翻修工作开始以前,他预料到了自己会面临困难,所以尽力做好了准备。Yet he was still overwhelmed by unexpected difficulties. Without gas and kitchenware, Mr. Tang and several volunteers ate raw peppers for supper. Without a bathroom, they dug pits in the yard until there was no space for mo


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