新概念英语第二册 第一单元 测试题.doc

新概念英语第二册 第一单元 测试题.doc

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新概念英语第二册 第一单元 测试题

新概念英语第二册 第一单元 测试题(满分150分) 姓名 分数 一、英汉互译(30×1’) 1. private 2. conversation 3. repeat 4. museum 5. decision 6. public 7.distance 8.valuable 9. expect 10. competition 11.beggar 12.performance 13. 聚集 14.乐器 15.经理 16. 允许 17.抱怨 18.立刻 19. 场合 20. 经历 21.扔、抛 22. 打断 23.发疯 24. 服从 25. 舞台 26抓到 27. 账单 28匆忙 29返回/归还 30负担得起 二.单项选择题(20×1. 5’) 1. —— _______ terrible weather it is! —— It is said that it will get ______ later. A. What; bad B. What ;worse C. How; bad D. How; worse 2. The book ______ Lucy’s. Look! Her name is on the book cover. A. must be B. can be C. can’t be D. mustn’t be 3. It ______ me two hours to get there by bus. A. spent B. took C. used D. paid 4. My mother has to Hong Kong twice. A. come B. got C. gone D. been 5. Three months quite a long time. A. is B. be C. are D. am 6. I did not remember her before. A. have met B. having met C. to having met D. to meet 7. I’ll go with you to the theater as soon as I my homework. A. will finish B. shall finish C. finish D. finished 8. —Can you deal with the problem? —_____. A. I’m afraid not B. I’m not afraid C. I’m no sure D. I’m sure not 9. —Has your neighbour moved into the new house? —Not yet. The house _____. A. being built B. is being built C. is building D.is built 10. It _____ be my son. He has gone to America. A. must B. mustn’t C. can D. can’t 11.The cake is made _____ flour, butter, eggs and sugar. A. of B. from C. by D. in 12. There _____ a French film in this cinema next Friday. A. is going to be


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