中石油2016通用英语选读课文24The Delights of South Island南岛之乐.doc

中石油2016通用英语选读课文24The Delights of South Island南岛之乐.doc

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24 The Delights快乐 of South Island 南岛之乐 1. One of the odder奇特的,奇怪的 coincidences巧合,一致,相合 of physical geography自然地理 is the fact that there are two double islands, roughly概略地,粗糙地 the same size, positioned at each others antipodes相对级, or farthest-distant point. The islands of England and Ireland in the Northern Hemisphere and the islands of North Island and South Island in the Southern Hemisphere are just such a coincidence. The first two islands comprise构成 the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland (or Eire), and the second two islands comprise构成 New Zealand. Among these four islands, there can be no doubt that South Island is the least polluted and most spectacularly引人入胜的,壮观的 scenic of them all. 1.自然地理上较为奇特的巧合之一是地球上有两组大小约略相同、位置相对或者说相距最为遥远的双岛。北半球的英格兰和爱尔兰群岛以及南半球的北岛和南岛就是这样的一种巧合。第一组的两座岛构成英国和爱尔兰共和国,第二组的两座岛则组成新西兰。四个岛中,南岛无疑是污染最少且风景最秀丽的。 2. There is much competition竞争 to make such a claim. The island of England, politically constituting成立,设立;组成,构成 England, Scotland, and Wales of the United Kingdom, is dotted有点的,星罗棋布的 with country villages set alongside rivers and lakes. There are not very tall but nonetheless虽然如此,但是 rugged崎岖不平 mountains in the north, and endless miles of rocky coastline岩岸 that seem mystical神秘的. Ireland, too, is a paradise天堂,乐园 of greenery温室,草木, with far fewer people than populous人口稠密的 England and even more quaint奇怪的,离奇有趣的,做的很精巧的 villages scattered离散的,分散的 among its low-lying低的,低地的 hills and forever green fields. North Island in New Zealand sports夸赞,夸耀 a balmy温和的 climate and the beaches to make use of it; one beach alone is more than 150 kilometers long, and with relatively few people on its shores, one can pretend假装 one is at the very end of the earth. Volcanoes, large lakes, and quickly flowing rivers traverse横穿,横贯 the land. Given the beauty of these three islands, what makes South Island so special? 2.这样说势必经过一番竞争。在政治版图上构成英国的英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士的英格兰本岛,3. Plenty. For those who like mountains, South Island is sure to please. Mt. Cook at 3,764 meters is its highest pe


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