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曼哈顿FoV. CR笔记All about the ArgumentSound argument vs.valid argumentEvery complete argument has two components written down on paper:? Premises—supporting statements? Conclusion— the main point or biggest claim of the argumentA sound argument is successful on every level: the premises are true, and the conclusion logically follows from the premises. When a conclusion follows logically from true premises, that conclusion is therefore true.A valid argument is one in which the conclusion follows logically from the premises—but the premises may or may not be true. In a valid argument, if the premises are true, then the conclusion will also be true.In a good, valid argument, the premises lead to the conclusion in a direct way. They provide enough evidence to guarantee the truth of the conclusion (which is occasionally implied rather than stated explicitly).On the GMATWhile soundness is the goal in real-life reasoning, GMAT questions tend to be more about validity.So, on the GMAT, avoid challenging the truth of the premises themselves.Focus on whether the argument is valid.The arguer’s job and your jobPeople’s brains are designed to make connections and to go beyond the arguer’s conclusion.On the GMAT, however, you should note the speaker’s conclusion precisely.It’s the job of the arguer to prove his or her case to you by building a sound argument backed by appropriate evidence. Your job is simply to recognize flaws and omissions.List of the twelve flawsThese flaws overlap somewhat; it doesn’t really matter.This isn’t a full course in formal logic. What’s more important is that you understand the typicalversion of each flaw. This way, you can spot any of them on the test.A. Unjustified Assumptions1. Assumes Shared Beliefs2. Draws Extreme Conclusion3. Assumes Skill and/or Will4. Uses Vague or Altered Terms5. Assumes Signs of a Thing = Thing ItselfB. Causation Errors – 1. causal oversimplification6. Mixes up Correlation and Causation7. Assumes the Future = the Past – 4. all t


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