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大丰市初级中学2010-2011学年度第二学期 七年级英语期末学情调查 本次测试分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。总分120分,时间100分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题60分) 一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) 1.The students held party last Saturday. They had a good time at party. A.a, a B.the, the C.a, the D.the, a 2. We will arrive _________ Tokyo _________ the afternoon of March 3. A. at, in? ??? B. in, on? ??? C. in, in? ?? ? D. at, at 3. I’m hungry, _______me my lunch. A. take B. bring C. show D. share 4. There isn’t __________ in today’s newspaper. A. something interesting B. nothing interesting C. anything interesting D. interesting anything 5. The book isn’t _________.It belongs to __________. A. her; my B. yours; mine C. his; me D. hers; mine 6.Would you like _______ cup of tea? A.the other B. other C.another D.others 7. Roy made many kites,but _____ of them can fly high in the sky.  A. every B. none C. all  D. most ’s bad for his health. A. is fond of B. loves C. is crazy about D. hates 11. _______ beautiful park it is and _______ happy the children are in it! A. What, how B. What a, how C. How, what D. How, how 12. There are about two ______ workers in that factory. A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. thousand of D. thousand 13. ?Would you like to go hunting with me this afternoon? ?Id love to. But Im afraid I ? A. cant B. must C. mustnt D. may not 14.—Excuse me, look at the sign. It’s no-parking(不许停车) area. —Sorry, I see it. A. don’t B. doesn’t C. didn’t D. won’t 15. —How clever you are! — . A. I don’t think so. B. Thank you. C. No, no, I’m not clever. D.That’s right. 二、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) Jim Green is a DJ (音乐节目主持人)for the program (节目).Most of the girls 16 boys like the program. They 17 like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him 18 his work. There are lots of 19 to him every day


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