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北京东华合创数码科技股份有限公司 笔试试卷(Java 语言部分) 姓名: 联系方式: 1. which won’t cause a compiler warning or error?a) float f = 1.3; b) char c = ‘a’; c) byte b = 257; d) boolean b = null; e) int i = 10; 2. 请选择下面这段代码的输出结果? int i = 0; switch (i) { case 0: System.out.println(zero); case 1: System.out.println(one); case 2: System.out.println(two); break; case 3: System.out.println(three); } 1) zero 2) zero,one 3) zero,one,two 4) zero,one,two,three 3. public class Test{ private static int j=0; public static boolean methodB(int k){ j+=k; return true; } public static void methodA(int i){ boolean b; b=i10methodB(1); b=i10methodB(2); } public static void main(String args){ methodA(0); 17) } } what is the value of j at line 17? 1)0 2)1 3)2 4)3 4. If we execute the code below with “java Test Red Green Blue”, what is the result? public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args){ String foo=args[1]; String bar=args[2]; String baz=args[3]; } } what is the value of baz? A. baz has value of B. baz has value of null C. baz has value of Red D. baz has value of Blue E. baz has value of Green F. the code does not compile G. the program throw an exception 5. 请选择下面这段代码的输出结果? 1)public class Test{ 2)public static void main(String[] args){ 3) class Foo{ 4) public int i=3; 5) } 6)Object o=(Object)new Foo(); 7) Foo foo=(Foo)o; 8)System.out.println(foo.i); 9) } 10) } A.compile error at line 6 B.compile error at line 7 C.compile error at line 8 D.print out 3 6. int index=1; String[] test=new String[3]; String foo=test[index]; what is the result of foo? A. B.null C.throw a Exception D.not compile 7. 下面的五个选择中哪两个描述是正确的?(多选) A. static inner class requires a static initializer B. A static inner class requires an instance of the enclosing class C. A static inner class has no reference to an instance of the


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