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美校园枪击案嫌犯的人生轨迹 华尔街日报中文网??2012-12-17 ???? 优秀贡献 奖励20分! 贡献人: mengmengeva 上高中的时候,骨瘦如柴的亚当?兰扎(Adam Lanza)很爱学习,成绩不错。他性格腼腆,跟同学少有往来,好像根本不存在一样。他成为美国史上最恐怖的大规模枪杀案之一的嫌犯后,多数人都是绞尽脑汁才想起他这个人。一些人以为他从纽敦高级中学(Newtown High School)辍了学,或者搬走了。 In high school, Adam Lanza was a skinny, bookish honor student so shy and disconnected from his classmates that he seemed to fade from existence. Most strained to remember him as his name emerged as the suspected shooter in one of the most horrific mass shootings in U.S. history. Some thought he dropped out of Newtown High School, or moved away. 事实上兰扎一直在本地。极少数人对他还有生动的印象,在大规模枪击案发生之后,他们对他的描绘已为人们耳熟能详:他性格孤僻,情绪不稳,有时候一身黑衣,一直是在社区的外围活动。 But Mr. Lanza was in town all along. He was described by the few with vivid memories of him in terms that have become achingly familiar in the aftermath of mass shootings: an emotionally off-kilter loner sometimes dressed in black, who moved on the margins of his community. 珍妮?帕莎克里塔(Jeannie Pasacreta)的儿子及其朋友曾是现年20岁的兰扎的同学。她说,他们说他非常内向,爱穿军装或黑色衣服。帕莎克里塔是一位心理学家和护理师,她说儿子尼古拉斯(Nicholas)在枪击当晚和一些朋友聚会,谈到了兰扎。. Jeannie Pasacreta, whose son and his friends were classmates of Mr. Lanza, 20 years old, said they described him as ‘very withdrawn. He would dress in military gear or black.’ Ms. Pasacreta, a psychologist and nurse practitioner, said her son, Nicholas, gathered with some of his friends the night of the shooting and talked about Mr. Lanza. 退休校车司机玛莎?莫斯科维茨(Marsha Moskowitz)说,在她印象中,兰扎是一个从不露笑容的孤独孩子,显得与众不同。她说,我记得他是因为他显得那么安静,他口腆、冷淡、孤僻,不怎么笑,也不怎么跟车上的人打招呼。 Jeannie Pasacreta, whose son and his friends were classmates of Mr. Lanza, 20 years old, said they described him as ‘very withdrawn. He would dress in military gear or black.’ Ms. Pasacreta, a psychologist and nurse practitioner, said her son, Nicholas, gathered with some of his friends the night of the shooting and talked about Mr. Lanza. 兰扎跟他52岁的母亲南希(Nancy)生活在一起。据称,上周五他在家中杀害了母亲,然后去桑迪胡克小学(Sandy Hook Elementary School)又杀了26人,其中包括20名儿童。最后他结束了自己的生命。纽约州首席法医鉴定认为


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