Java Web 开发——BBS 论坛制.doc

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Java Web 开发——BBS 论坛制

东华理工大学 毕业设计论文 题目:基于Java Web技术开发的BBS论坛系统 国际教育学院: 学生姓名:赖亚冰 学 号专 业:信息技术系 完成日期: 指导教师:王红玲 基于Java Web技术开发的BBS论坛系统 摘要: 当今,随着网络的迅速发展,制作BBS论坛的技术和方法也越来越多。本文主要讲述利用Java Web的相关技术来制作一个简单论坛。通过实际制作,实现了BBS论坛系统应有的一些基本功能,如:登陆功能,通过在登陆界面输入用户名和密码来实现会员的登录,用户只有登录成功了才能进行一系列的操作;注册功能,用户首次登陆,需要先注册,注册时需要用户填写个人信息;找回密码功能,当用户忘记密码时可以通过此功能找回密码,找回密码时需要用户记得注册时填写的个人信息。除此之外,还有浏览帖子、发表帖子、回复贴子以及删除帖子等等功能。制作本论坛所用的前台软件是MyEclipse,后台数据库是MySQL,运行时所用的服务器是Tomcat,综合运用了HTML、JSP以及JavaScript语言。 全文先对用到的软件进行了简单的介绍,然后依次对系统的应用进行需求分析、总体设计、详细设计;最后简要介绍了系统的发布和测试。 关键词:BBS 论坛; JSP 技术; 登陆;注册; 找回密码;浏览贴子; 发表帖子; 回复贴子; 删除帖子 The Development of BBS Based on Java Web Technology Abstract:Today, with the rapid development of network, BBS. This paper narrated to how to design simple BBS using Java Web technology. By my practice, the forum system has been realized functions, such as: Landing function, through a landing interface to enter a user name and password and log on to achieve membership, the user can acquire success and then finish a series of operations. Registration function, if the user first visit, he will need to be registered a account and fill in personal informations . Retrieve password function, a user who forget the password can retrieve his password through this function, but which need personal track record when the user registering. In addition, visit the post, published post, reply and delete post and so on. The forum system adopts MyEclipse as Development Environment, which the background database is MySQL, and run-time server is Tomcat. It is be integrated used three languages-HTML, JSP and JavaScript. This paper introduced some correlative software firstly, and then recited analysis, total design, detailed design about the forum in turn. Finally, released and tested the system. Keywords:BBS; JSP echnology; Landing; Registration; Retrieve Password; View Posts; Published Post; Reply Post; Delete Post 目 录 一、概论……………………………………………………………………………………(1) (一)、BBS历史背景……………………………………………………………………(1) (二)


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