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Section 3. General Conditions of Contract 第3部分 合同一般条款 A General 总述 1. Definitions定义 1.1 The following words and expressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them. Boldface type is used to identify the defined term: 以下单词和表述将拥有此处指定给它的意思。黑体用来鉴别被定义词项。 (a) Completion Schedule means the fulfillment of the Related Services by the Supplier in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; 完成计划是指供应商根据合同中所述条款完成了相关服务。 (b) Contract Agreement means the Agreement entered into between the Purchaser and the Supplier, together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices, and all documents incorporated by reference therein; 合同协议是指采购方与供应方达成的协议,连同此处涉及的合同文件,包括所有的附件、附录和参考文献组成的所有文件 (c) Contract Documents means the documents listed in the Contract Agreement, including any amendments thereto; 合同文件是指合同协议中列出的文件,包括任何修改件。 (d) Contract Price means the price payable to the Supplier as specified in the Contract Agreement, subject to such additions and adjustments thereto or deductions therefrom, as may be made pursuant to the Contract; 合同价格是指合同协议中规定的应付给供应商的价格,受合同中补充、调整或削减等条款的约束。 (e) Day means calendar day; 天是指日历天数 (f) Delivery means the transfer of ownership of the Goods from the Supplier to the Purchaser in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract; 发货是指根据合同中的条款从供应商到采购方产品所有权的转换。 (g) GCC mean the General Conditions of Contract; GCC是指合同的一般条款。 (h) Goods means all of the commodities, raw materials, machineries and equipments, products and/or other materials in solid, liquid or gaseous form that the Supplier is required to supply to the Purchaser under the Contract, as specified in the PCC; 产品是指根据合同PCC中规定,供应商应向采购方提供的所有物品、原材料、机器和设备、产品和/或其他固态、液态或气态形式的材料。 (i) Government means the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh; 政府是指孟加拉人民共和国 (j) Purchaser means the entity purchasing the Goods and Related Services, as specified in the PCC; 采购方是指按PCC中规定,采购产品和相关服务的机构 (k) Related Services means the


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