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Keirn和Aunon/eeg/ 张晓炜 该EEG数据库采集了7位受试者在5种不同任务下EEG的变化情况,五种任务分别是: Baseline Task:The subjects were asked to relax and think of nothing in particular. Multiplication Task:The subjects were given non-trivial multiplication problems, such as 79 times 56 and were asked to solve them without vocalizing or making any other physical movements. The activities were non-repeating and designed so that an immediate answer was not apparent. The subjects veri?ed at the end of the activities whether or not he/she arrived at the solution and no subject completed the activity before the end of the 10 s recording session. Letter Task:The subjects were asked to mentally compose a letter to a friend without vocalizing. Since the activity was repeated for several times the subjects were told to continue with the letter from where they left o?. Rotation Task:The subjects were given 30 s to study a particular three-dimensional block object, after which the drawing was removed and the subjects were asked to visualize the object being rotated about an axis. The EEG signals were recorded during the imagined rotation period. Counting Task:The subjects were asked to imagine a blackboard and to visualize numbers being written on the board sequentially, with the previous number being erased before the next number was written. The subjects were instructed not to verbalize the numbers but to visualize them. They were also told to resume counting from the previous activity rather than starting over each time. 每一种任务过程中采集7个电极的信号,分别是:c3,c4,c3,c4,o1,o2,EOG。 每一位受试者对于每一种任务需要做多次试验,每一次试验采集10秒,采样率为250Hz,所以每一次试验所得的数据为一个7×2500的矩阵。 受试者1、3、4、6对于每种不同的任务各做了10次试验;受试者5对于每种不同的任务各做了15次试验;受试者2、7对于每种不同的任务各做了5次试验。(由于受试者1、3、4、5、6针对每一种任务都至少有10次试验,因此在进行数据分析的时候大多都选择这五位受试者的数据) 以下为每一位受试者的采集细目表: 受试者1采集细目表 第一天 第二天 受试者1 Task1 Trial1(1) 7×2500 Task1 Trial1(26) 7×2500 Trial2(2) 7×2500 Trial2(27) 7×2500 Trial3(3) 7×2500 Trial3(28) 7×2500 Trial4(4) 7×2500 Trial4(29) 7×2500 Trial5(5) 7×2500 Trial5(30) 7×2500 Task2 Tri


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