第三章 翻译中的对比.docx

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第三章 翻译中的对比

第三章翻译中的对比一、翻译下列句子,注意划线部分词语的意义。1. The little girl has a beautiful face.2. He put the cards face down on the table.3. She had the face to insult him in public.4. The farm remained wild country for a long time.5. He led a wild life in his youth.6.他个子很矮,总被人嘲笑。7.我唱不了那么低调子的歌。8.在那些尖子生中间我总觉得低人一等。9.我们要坚持党的基本路线不动摇。10.不管别人说什么,他总是坚持自己的观点。二、翻译下列句子,注意划线部分词语语体色彩和情感色彩的体现。1. Er, well, see you morrow.2. No soldier, in time of peace be quartered I any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.3. A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed.4. As a westerner I was a strange sight in this remote spot.5. Try not to get involved in office politics.6.禁止赌博。7.这小伙子干活真冲。8.他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。9.证券、股市这些东西究竟好不好,有没有危险,是不是资本主义独有的东西?10.那个人醉心于名利。三、把下列句子翻译成汉语,注意疑问的地道、流畅、自然。1. The door opened, and theaudience came crowding in.2. The many colors of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside.3. The carpet killed the sound of my footsteps.4. How is it with the sick man?5. China is known as a country with vast territory , rich resources and a large population.6. Often he left listless and his working power was weakened by his poor health.7. Loneliness held the great masses of immigrants together, and poverty kept them down.8. Go before I call the police.9. The soldiers showed that they had plenty of grit.10. He is the man who I am told made a fortune out of the traffic in arms when he was in the service of a certain general in the Middle East and subsequently lost it in one night at a gambling house in Monaco.四、把下列句子翻译成英语,注意译文要符合英语表达习惯。1.几天之内,全国上下就武装起来了。2.一看到那棵大树,我便想起了童年的情景。3.凭良心讲,你待我礼貌有加,我却受之有愧。4.必须调整高等院校的专业设置,改进教学方法。5.上下班他一般坐地铁。6.他跳起来,连忙跑到卫生间的镜子面前,拿掉毛巾,仔细查看脸上的伤口。7.昨晚南京路上轧死了一个人。8.游客止步。9.多少一点困难怕什么?封锁吧,封锁十年八年,中国的一切问题都解决了。10.我软化了,我被母亲那颗永远充满了爱而又从来缺少爱的心软化了。我终于决定按照母亲的愿望,报考中文系。五、根据你所拥有的文化知识,判断下列情景中的翻译是否合适,如果不合适,请指出原因,并给出较好的译法。1.有人把某食品公司生产的“白象”牌方便面的商标“白象”翻译为“white elephant”。2.某自行车厂生产一种“飞鸽”牌自行车,其商标曾翻译为“flying pigeon”。3.主人宴请外宾吃饭,


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