Mark Twain-the mirror of America第一部分课文讲解.ppt

Mark Twain-the mirror of America第一部分课文讲解.ppt

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Mark Twain-the mirror of America第一部分课文讲解

Mark Twain --- Mirror of America Mirror of America “Mirror ” Is a piece of glass or other shinny/polished surface that reflects images. Here, it is a metaphor. It means a faithful representation or description of something (the USA). Why does the author say that Mark Twain is the mirror of America? Mark Twain: Samuel Langhorne Clemens The assertion that Mark Twain is the mirror of America is made in two senses. The whole sentence structure: parallelism. remember…as … e.g.鲁迅创造了阿Q, 这是大多数的中国人所熟知的. Most Chinese people remember Luxun as the father of Ah Qu. Father: metaphor, here means the creator or the author. cruise through eternal boyhood:journey through lasting boyhood endless summer of freedom and adventure:long summer full of free and adventurous activities Eternal Endless: hyperbole夸张,这两个词说明哈克贝利费恩和汤姆索亚两个人物会永远活在读者心中,突出了马克吐温笔下的两个文学形象的永恒魅力. Idyllic cruise 诗情画意的旅程 Idyllic: a simple happy period of life, often in the country, or a scene from such a time. cruise: a sea voyage for pleasure, especially one on a large ship and lasting for s everal days or weeks. In-deed, this nations best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. every bit as… as :just as…as, quite as…as 完全,同样的 e.g. He is every bit as clever as you are. Adventurous Patriotic Romantic Humorous “Adventurous” Mark Twain liked to try something new, like a new life, a new place and new writing skills and so on. “patriotic” shows his strong passion or love for his country, countrymen and natural scenery. “romantic” idealistic ,emotional and artistic. “humorous” he made people laugh, brought them fun and joy, his writing is full of witty languages. Cynical 愤世嫉俗的 a cynic—denying the sincerity of people’s motives and actions; seeing no goodness in human behavior. having little faith in human sincerity or goodness. E.G. a cynical man /


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