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第一章 快速阅读 基础篇 Passage 1 1. N. 该题定位在第二段,是对beaver(河狸)特征的描述。第一句话讲到河狸有incisor(门牙),但不能就此判断河狸只有门牙,本段最后一句话说到”Four upper and four lower teeth located on the sides of the jaws are short, square and used for grinding(磨)food.” 所以本题错误。 2. Y.该题在”Habits”这一小节下 “The dams hold back water, increasing its depth and surface area. This gives the beavers better protection from predators(掠夺者,食肉动物) and closer access to food.” 堤坝有助于保护河狸不受攻击,而且更加靠近食物。所以该题正确。 3. N.该题还是对河狸习性的一个判断,应该在”Habits”这一小节下寻找答案,这一小节的第五段讲到”Theyre most active at night and the twilight periods of dusk and dawn.” 据此可知河狸晚上是很活跃的,该题错误。4. NG. 第六段是对河狸修建堤坝的描述,但没有谈到本题的描述,无法判断。 5. N. 该题后半部分是正确的,但前半部分描述错误。在”Reproduction”这一小节中提到”they are able to swim at birth,…”, 我们可以判断,河狸从一出生就会游泳,这是遗传因素。6. Y. 该题在”Food”这一小节中,答案很明显。7. Y. 该题在最后一小节”Conservation”中的第一段讲到的,是正确的。8. building dams. 答案在”Habits”这一小节下的第一段。 9. September. 答案在”Habits”这一小节下的第二段。10. 3 to 4 young. 答案在”Habits”这一小节下的段。 Passage 2 1. A. Make an apology. 从文章第三段第二行… I thought she was coming over to apologize,…可以推知。 2. D. It’s possible for one to get into lots of trouble定位到文章第四段第二句 …Dealing with other people’s children has become a minefield…, minefield原义为布雷区,引申为棘手、难于处理的问题3. B. hurt.从文章第七段最后一句…then that’s somehow a criticism of me…可以推知。 4. A. Talk to them directly in a mild way. 从文章第九段…Usually a quiet reminder that “we don’t do that here” is enough5. C. people are reluctant to point out kid’s wrongdoings. 从文章第十六段所举例子语气可以推知。… For Andrew Fuller, the child-centric nature of our society has affected everyone, “The rules are different now from when today’s parents were growing up,” he says. “Adults are scared of saying “Don’t swear”, or asking a child to stand up on a bus. They’re worried that there will be conflict if they point these things out—either from older children, or their parents.” 6. B. It’s difficult to create a code of conduct. 从文章第十七段He sees it as a loss of the sense of common public good and public courtesy,…可以推知。 7. D. They’d put the blame on their kids 从文章第十九


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