Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 第六课时Section B 3a-Selfcheck.doc

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 第六课时Section B 3a-Selfcheck.doc

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Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 第六课时Section B 3a-Selfcheck

宝山镇中心中学教学案 优质从准备开始! 课题 Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Section B 3a-Selfcheck 第 6 课时 授课时间 2014年 9 月22日 主备人 王英 集备人 李爱玲 王英 孙健美 课型 新授 教学目标 1掌握新单词 2理解重点句子【自主预习】 领悟基础知识我能行 【课堂互动】 掌握基本技能我最捧 读了上一篇文章,我们了解了节日介绍的相关内容。现在我们来写一写自己最喜欢的节日。 ----内容提示3a。例如: What’s the name of the festival? Spring Festival When is it? the last lunar month What do people eat? 年夜饭 the dinner on New Years EveWhat do people do? 拜年pay New Year visits压岁钱 gift moneyWhy do you like it so much? Because it is a symbol of, health and happiness ---文体提示3b (写一封信) ---简单句句型(见3b左边框)--宾语从句句型提示 I think my favorite Chinese festival is... We all know it is celebrated in…. During this festival, it is said that people… It is well known that they eat … I am sure it is my favorite Chinese festival because…. I believe it makes me feel… ---段落提示(见3b右边框) 【探究归纳】 掌握基本技能我最棒 _! The book is very interesting. What_______________! How________________! The weather is sunny. What__________________! How__________________ ! The work is very hard. What____________________! How____________________ ! 复习宾语从句相关用法 ( ) 1. I dont know__________ they have passed the exam. A. what B. if C. when D. where ( ) 2. I hardly understand.__________ he has told me. A. that B. what C. which D. who ( ) 3. I dont know__________he still lives here after so many years. A. whether B where C. what D.when ( ) 4.The boy asked __________any noise from outside. A. whether had I heard B. whether I had heard C. whether I have heard D. whether I heard ( ) 5. Do you know who __________with at eight yesterday ? A. he is talking B. was he talking C. he was talking D. is he talking ( ) 6. Could you tell us__________? A. if your father does B. what does your father do C. your father does what D. what your father does ( ) 7. You must remember __


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