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第一章 1、化工生产的特点 2、化工安全设计的重要性 第二章 2.1 1、本质安全装置主要依赖什么来预防人员伤害、环境破坏和财产损失。 An inherently safer plant relies on chemistry and physics—the quantity, properties and conditions of use of the process materials—to prevent injuries, environmental damage and property damage rather than on control systems, interlocks, alarms and procedures to stop incipient incidents. 2、“从长远来看,本质安全的装置从成本上更合算的”,谈谈对这句话的理解。 Smaller equipment operating at less severe temperature and pressure conditions will be cheaper and have lower operating costs. A process that does not require complex safety interlocks and elaborate procedures will be simpler, easier to operate, and more reliable. 3、尽管可以在工艺或装置整个生命周期内对其进行改进以提高本质安全性,最容易进行改进的在那个阶段?为什么? Although a process or plant can be modified to increase inherent safety at any time in its life cycle, the potential for major improvements is greatest at the earliest stages of process development. At these early stages, the process engineer has maximum degrees of freedom in the plant and process specification. The engineer is free to consider basic process alternatives such as fundamental technology and chemistry and the location of the plant. 4、风险如何定义?从哪两个方面进行努力就可以降低风险?降低风险的策略主要有哪几类? (1)Risk has been defined as a measure of economic loss or human injury in terms of both the incident likelihood and the magnitude of the loss or injury (CCPS1989). (2)Thus, any effort to reduce the risk arising from the operation of a chemical processing facility can be directed toward reducing the likelihood of incidents (incident frequency), reducing the magnitude of the loss or injury should an incident occur (incident consequences), or some combination of both. (3)In general, the strategy for reducing risk, whether directed toward reducing frequency or consequence of potential accidents, falls into one of the following categories: ? Inherent, or Intrinsic—Eliminating the hazard by using materials and process conditions that are nonhazardous (e.g., substituting water for


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