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买卖合同Sales Contract日期Date: Month. Day. Year 2012-09-20合同号Contract No.: PIDMMCOAL2012003Buyer: Beijing Mid—West Yuanda CompanySeller: Thermo Fisher Scientific (China) Co., Ltd.Address:Zhongli Building No.1 Shangdi 3 street Beijing Address: Building 6, No.27 Xin Jin Qiao Road, Shanghai 201206 China本合同由买卖双方订立。根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买且卖方同意出售下述货物:This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy the below-mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stipulated hereunder:1货物详情Particulars of the Goods货名及规格Goods and Specifications数量Quantity单价(美元)Unite Price(USD)总价(美元)Total amount(USD)1.CQM (coal quality manager)02. 初始放射源(注:办放射源时,许可证上为每枚32微克)Neutron sources, 29 ug /pc 总价: FOB美元肆拾万元整 TOTAL PRICE: FOB Adelaide USD 400000.00 say US dollar Four hundred thousand Country of Origin and Manufacturer: Main equipment of Analyzer: Thermo Gamma-Metrics PTY LTD, Australia Neutron: USA生产国别和制造厂商: 分析仪主体设备:澳大利亚 ;初始放射源:美国2交付条件DeliveryTerms2.1交付条件 Delivery Terms: CIF 2.2在本合同中,描述双方权利义务的贸易术语如FCA,应按照巴黎国际商会出版的《国际贸易术语解释通则》(“Incoterms”)解释。For purposes of this Contract, trade terms (e.g., FCA) used to describe the obligations of the parties shall have the meanings assigned to them by the Incoterms published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris.3装运条款Shipping Terms3.1交货时间Time of Delivery: 在线分析仪主体设备(双探头含相关软件)Main equipment of Gamma-Metrics Analyzer: 合同生效后3个月且发货前30天必须收到信用证 Within 3 months after contract effectiveness with receiving L/C 30 days before delivery初始放射源Neutron sources: 1 month after receipt of the import license. The shipping time shall be confirmed after the Buyer got the import licence.放射源发货时间为收到许可证后1个月;最终发货时间由买方在取得进口许可证后确认,确认后发货。The Manufacturer advised the Buyer of the prevailing long delivery period for supplies of neutron sources from the receipt of Import Permits. The Buyer needs to take this lead time in their planning schedules accordingly. The Seller / Manufacturer will not be held liable for a


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